Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

Month: January 2017 Page 2 of 3

Texas Cops Bust Of The Year Turns Out To Be Kitty Litter!

Texas Cops Bust Of The Year Turns Out To Be Kitty Litter!

Here we go again. I just wrote about a similar situation a few weeks ago. The last story concerned a man in Orlando, Florida who was jailed because cops mistook Krispy Kreme glazed donut flakes for meth. In case you missed it you can read all about it —> Here.

Another innocent person falls victim to the cops “Knowledge and Experience” and is falsely arrested and suffers all the bullshit that comes with it. Meet 24-year-old Ross Lebeau.

Ross Lebeau

Obviously, Mr. Lebeal certainly looks like a major drug lord. So he should get the book thrown at him, at least as far as The Harris County Sheriff’s Office was concerned.

Ross Lebeau’s story started on December 5, 2016, when he was pulled over for allegedly making a right turn without signaling. Yeah Right! We’ve all heard about this nonsense before. He drives a 2006 Acura which is apparently well known by law enforcement everywhere to be the car of choice of major drug kingpins. I mean why would a drug lord drive a new high-end Mercedes or BMW when they could be driving a 10-year-old Acura?

According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office press release dated December 8, 2016. “Deputy S. Aguilar immediately detected the odor of marijuana in the car and inquired to Ross if there were any illegal drugs in his vehicle.

Mr. LeBeau stated there was a small amount of marijuana in the center console and a baggie of marijuana was recovered by Deputy Aguilar and he was detained at that point. 

During an inventory of the vehicle Mr. LeBeau was driving, a bag was found with small clear, blue and gold colored “nuggets”. A field test was conducted, and these “nuggets” tested positive for methamphetamine.

The total weight was 252 grams, a little less than half a pound in weight.
Mr. Ross LeBeau denied any knowledge of the methamphetamine that was found in his vehicle.

This is another example how a routine traffic stop turned into a significant narcotics arrest in our community and may have kept our children and loved ones free from being introduced to drugs.

Deputy Aguilar and other deputies are challenged on a daily basis to enforce the law using not only their knowledge and expertise, but their powers of observation to take criminals off the street”.

Here is what Deputy Agular found inside a sock inside Mr. Lebeau’s 2006 Acura.

Litty Litter

The deputy was credited for using his “knowledge and expertise” to take a criminal off the streets. This is almost the identical statement given by the Orlando Police regarding the false Krispy Kreme donut glaze meth bust.

Let’s explore this “knowledge and experience” thing that evidently seems to have some serious flaws.

The first question that comes to mind is “knowledge and experience” in what? Evidently, this doesn’t include visual identification of crystal meth. As the Orlando, Florida Police, and now the Harris County Texas Sheriff’s Office, anything could be misidentified as meth. Krispy Kreme donut glaze to kitty litter, do these freaking cops even know what crystal meth looks like anyway? Do they even learn about this sort of stuff in cop school? I think we can eliminate knowledge right off the bat.

Let me help. Here is a photo of

Crystal Meth

Here is a photo of crystal cat litter.

Crystal cat litter

As you can see, they look nothing alike. Not to mention the fact that cat litter placed inside an old sock is a common life hack to keep your windows in your car from fogging up inside in the winter. Not to mention the fact that drug dealers don’t often carry a half pound of meth inside a sock in the open in their cars. Just saying….

Experience, well I am fairly certain that many cops have extensive experience in pulling cars over for nonsense infractions like; not using a turn signal, broken tail lights or driving 3 miles per hour over the speed limit. Evidently, experience doesn’t extend to illicit drug identification, or in some cases common sense.

In both the Orlando story, and this newest one, the Police relied on cheap roadside drug identification test kits that are known to render false positives for illicit drugs 33% of the time. Think about that for a moment. That means that 1/3 of the fucking time, they are wrong, and some innocent sucker is arrested, booked for a crime they didn’t commit, and jailed for nothing. This is the real crime.

This is exactly what happened to Ross Lebeau. Sure, he had a very small amount of marijuana in his car. Whoopie! Newsflash: millions of people smoke pot. That doesn’t make him a drug kingpin trafficking in large quantities of crystal meth. It makes him a typical 24-year-old American. A typical American who just happens to drive a 2006 Acura.

Ross Lebeau spent three days behind bars before posting $50,000 bond. Three days in jail and $50,000 bond when his only real crime was a small amount of pot in his car’s ashtray. Seriously!

When he attempted to explain to The Harris County Sheriff’s Office how this was actually kitty litter that his father gave him to help keep his windows from fogging up, the cops “almost scoffed and laughed” when he explained the situation to them.

The case remained open until the Institute of Forensic Science conducted its own tests on the suspected drugs and determined that crystal kitty litter was “not a controlled substance.”

The “Bust of the year” was busted.

Charges against Lebeau were dropped on Jan. 4.

Here is a video of Ross Lebeau telling his story to a local news channel.

Ross Lebeau says all he want’s is an apology from the Harris County Sheriff’s Department as well as an agreement to stop using those cheap roadside drug test kits. Mr. Lebeau is an idiot. If this happened to me, I would get a good lawyer, and in the end, I would be able to afford a high-end Mercedes or BMW as well as money left over.

But then again, I don’t carry a half pound of kitty litter inside a sock in my car either, maybe I should start now.


As Always,

I Am…..

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


This article is a news commentary and an original work of satire from Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.


Naked Burglar Arrested in Florida Looking For Sesame Seeds!

Naked Burglar Arrested in Florida Looking For Sesame Seeds!

This story really resonates with me. Not just because I live in Florida, Normally that would be more than enough. As an extra bonus, this guy was also arrested in the same city where I work.

Considering that Largo, Florida where this sad story occurred is 65 miles from the city where I live, by my rough calculations, this is a cool 100 extra bonus points. Believe me, I keep track of this sort of thing.

Of course, this incident happened in a trailer park, which is exactly what you would expect from trailer park trash. It all started with one Martin Henderson, 48, of Largo, Florida.

Martin Henderson

As you can tell by the photo above, our anti-hero, and trailer trash burglar, is a fine upstanding human being. Personally, I think he looks a lot like Howard Stern, no offense to Mr. Stern. I was just making an observation. Please don’t sue me.

Mr. Henderson was Sitting around all day long in the ol’ trailer smoking synthetic marijuana. Evidently, this behavior starts to take its toll.  I mean seriously, what could possibly go wrong?

Evidently, and this is pure speculation on my part. Sitting around the ol’ trailer park smoking synthetic marijuana all day makes you very hungry. Mr. Martin Henderson decides that a delicious hamburger would be just the thing.

A delicious hamburger would be on the top of my list of food to satisfy my cravings for a delicious dinner. I mean unless you are a vegan, this would be on the top of everyone’s list right? Sorry, My vegan friends, personally tofu just doesn’t cut it for me.

Anyway, our anti-hero, Mr. Martin Henderson makes his delicious hamburger and suddenly discovers that he doesn’t have any sesame seeds for his hamburger bun. This seems a little strange because I usually buy my hamburger buns with the sesame seeds included. I never even considered that I could add sesame seeds, after the fact. Who knew?

So, our anti-hero, Martin Henderson upon discovering that he was missing a key ingredient of his delicious hamburger, sesame seeds; decided upon a mission to rectify this major culinary oversight.

Mr. Henderson somehow became convinced that his neighbors in the trailer behind him were hoarding his coveted sesame seeds. So he hatched his plan to acquire what he so desired. It was actually much more than that, he absolutely had to have them. By now, he was obsessed.

Mr. Henderson’s plan was simple, and genius in its sheer simplicity. Nothing could possibly go wrong. The sesame seeds were as good as his.

Our anti-hero, striped off all of his clothes, which is a requirement for a successful sesame seed caper, grabbed a butter knife and was out the door. It took only a couple of minutes to jimmy the neighbor’s front door on their trailer, and he was finally inside looking for his coveted sesame seeds for his hamburger that was patiently waiting for the final delicious ingredient.

Mr. Henderson proceeded to rifle the kitchen looking for his coveted sesame seeds. Our sesame seed burglar looked everywhere, he was absolutely certain that they were in there somewhere.  He looked high and he looked low. He looked in every cabinet and nook and cranny until…… he opened the very last cupboard.

There on the second shelf near the back was a golden glow, as our sesame seed burglar pulled out items from the front, flour, sugar, brown sugar, and more. The glow became brighter and brighter until it was so bright it was almost blinding, it was like looking directly into the face of God. Hallelujah! Our sesame seed burglar slowly reached for his elusive prize. When….

William Loland, the owner of the trailer in question, and rightful owner of said sesame seeds was previously sound asleep with his girlfriend until being rudely awakened by all the commotion in his kitchen and decided to get up and investigate.

Per Mr. Loland’s testimony to the Police, he was awakened by a commotion in his kitchen. Mr, Loland being a cautious man, crept from his bedroom and peered into the kitchen. The only light was from a night-light in the kitchen, and of course, the golden blinding light emanating from one of his kitchen cabinets.

According to Mr. Loland, and this is a direct quote, “I thought it was a woman because he had long hair, and he was all nude. I thought it was a woman because he had a pot belly,”

WTF! Mr. Loland thought that this was a woman in his kitchen because he was naked, had long hair and had a pot belly? Evidently, our hapless sesame seed burglar also has a penis so small that he is easily mistaken for a woman even while naked. By Mr. Loland’s standards, the sesame seed burglar’s long hair and his pot belly, was definitely a tell-tale sign that he was in fact, a woman.

It would seem to me that the sesame seed burglar has a lot more problems than just needing his coveted sesame seeds for his hamburger.

Mr. Loland further stated, “I grabbed him by his neck, and I escorted him towards the door,” Loland said. “He was still naked. I said, ‘You’re lucky I don’t knock you out.’ He said, ‘I don’t think you can.’ So that’s when I hit him. That’s when I hit him twice.”

911 was called, and our micro penis, pot-bellied, sesame seed burglar, was arrested soon thereafter.

And that’s how we do things here in Florida.


As Always,

I Am…..

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


This article is a news commentary and is a work of original satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.


Teaching dogs to ring doorbells

Teaching dogs to ring doorbells.

I first read about this madness in 2012, and the scientists are still at it. I am only going to say this one last time, so listen up. Whoever you white coats are, STOP THIS MADNESS RIGHT NOW! before it’s too late.

No possible good can come of this. If this were the old days an angry mob of peasants would show up at your castle, armed with torches and pitchforks, tie you up, and subject you to the ultimate punishment.  One of their favorite punishments was, to come prepared with 26 pounds of bacon, fry up the 26 pounds of bacon, all the while making a huge mess in your kitchen, and proceed to wrap your entire body in bacon, and drag you’re bacon wrapped body outside the drawbridge. Then, they would wait, they wouldn’t have to wait long.

Trust me, this was not pretty, as every dog owner knows exactly what happens when a dog smells bacon. That’s right, they go into a “bacon frenzy”. Now, just imagine 26 pounds of bacon. My God, the horror of it all. Dogs would come from miles around, far and wide, big and small. This bacon feeding frenzy generally put to an end, once and for all, to any possibility that forbidden knowledge spread any further. Dogs can never, ever, find out how to ring doorbells. This is just wrong, on so many levels, so consider yourself warned.

OK, since these are modern, civilized times, we will rely on logic and reason to make you see the error of your ways. I believe that you just don’t quite understand why, this is such a serious mistake. Let me explain this simply, with some real life examples. The main flaw in your thinking is basically this, DOGS HATE DOORBELLS!!!

I can’t put it in any more simply then that. There are two things in a dog’s life, that dogs despise more then anything on the planet. Doorbells, and Squirrels. There are other things as well, but these are the big two. We have a dog, Homer. So I have direct first hand knowledge, as to why you need to stop this right now.
Please pay attention, as it’s still not too late. We can still fix this.

They say that a picture speaks a thousand words, well then let me present, Exhibit A.


Exhibit-A  HOMER

Now, as you can see in Exhibit-A, our dog Homer. He is a fairly small 20 pound dog. He is part Rat Terrier and part Wiener dog. Don’t let his size fool you, in this picture he is vigilantly watching for Squirrels, and waiting for anyone stupid enough to walk up the front steps, and God forbid, ring the doorbell. God help us all if squirrels ever learned to ring doorbells.

The moment Homer hears the doorbell, whether he was watching, and waiting for it or not, Homer immediately goes into attack mode. It doesn’t matter if he is in the back yard, upstairs or wherever,  he can hear it. Upon hearing the doorbell, Homer will  shoot down stairs like a rocket, sliding into furniture like a pinball, (we have hard wood floors, so this is actually kind of funny to watch), and arrive at the front door, all before the unsuspecting person at the door has time to move their finger from the button. Homer’s barking will not cease for several minutes, no matter what you say, or do. All this because the dog is absolutely convinced that if you ring the doorbell, you obviously don’t belong here, and are certainly not welcome. As I said before, DOGS HATE DOORBELLS!!!

Another interesting fact is, if someone just knocks on the door, without ringing the doorbell, it does not provoke this type of extreme response.

I have a theory as to why all dogs instinctively hate doorbells. I believe that this extreme hatred of doorbells that all dogs seem to possess, can be traced back to Ivan Pavlov, the famous Russian scientist. In 1901 Pavlov did a series of conditioned reflex (brain washing) experiments with dogs, where he conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. It seems logical that all modern dogs are decedents of these original test subjects.

Furthermore, dogs have somehow developed some sort of ancestral subconscious collective memory of these experiments that is hard wired into their DNA. Over the years, and thousands of generations, this collective memory has evolved from associating the sound of a bell and salivating, to associating the sound of a bell, to extreme danger. So, you see there is absolutely nothing you can do, or say, to change this behavior.

I have even done my own extensive research, to determine if different types of doorbells, may induce a different reaction in our dog, Homer. My theory is simple, maybe there are different types of doorbell sounds, or melodies that may mitigate, or minimize, Homer’s extreme response to the doorbell.

For my experiments, I used one of those wireless programmable electronic doorbells. The kind that you can program to make 12 different types of sounds, everything from the standard “ding-dong, to a variety of different chimes, and melodies. My theory was that there may be a certain type of sound, that Homer, or any other dog for that matter, may not recognize as a doorbell at all.

For my controlled experiment, over a period of twelve days I reprogrammed the wireless electronic doorbell everyday. I even moved the doorbell to different parts of the house, so Homer would not be able to associate a particular sound coming from the same location.  This experiment was a complete failure. Homer was always able to determine that no mater what type of sound or melodies, I programmed into the doorbell, or wherever the sound was originating from within the house, he always knew it was the doorbell and he always exhibited the exact same extreme reaction. Also, it is interesting to note, that if Homer hears a doorbell on a TV show, or movie, or any other type of bell sound at all, he never reacts to it. Somehow, he is instinctively able to tell the difference.

So my friends, as you can plainly see teaching dogs to ring doorbells is an extremely dumb thing to do. You see, it doesn’t matter if a person rings the doorbell, or the dog does it itself, the dogs instinctive reaction is going to be the exactly same. The dog will immediately go into attack mode, and be absolutely certain that someone is at the door, a person who doe’s not belong there, and is not welcome. So what possible gain would you have teaching a dog to ring the doorbell. Like I said previously  whoever is doing this, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! before you destroy the delicate balance of power between mankind, and our canine companions.

I previously mentioned Squirrels. So, let’s talk about Squirrels for a minute. It may be a toss-up, as to which thing dog’s hate more, doorbells or Squirrels. Dog’s consider Squirrels to be the embodiment of pure evil, and all Squirrels must be killed on sight. It’s interesting how Squirrels invoke such a primal kill instinct in dog’s vs. birds, turtles, cats, possums, armadillos, etc., while Homer doesn’t particularly like them either, he doe’s not  react with the same kill-on-sight behavior. Face it, if you own a dog, having a pet Squirrel is out of the question.

Using Homer, as an example, Homer absolutely hates squirrels, hate may not even be a strong enough word. Try to picture this, we have a really large yard, there is a set of steep concrete stairs, ten steps to the bottom to be precise. Homer, will lay at the top of the stairs, just inside the door, crouched down really low, just watching, and waiting. He is intently watching the really large Camphor tree in the middle of the backyard.  This tree is home to many, many, Grey Squirrels, and Homer damn well knows it.

Homer will lay in wait, just watching and waiting, for hours at a time, That’s of course, assuming some unfortunate soul, makes the stupid decision to ring the front doorbell. In that case, all bets are off. Evidently doorbells, trumps the evil, despicable squirrels.

Anyway, the moment a Squirrel comes down from the tree, or even thinks about coming down, Homer, shoots down the stairs like a rocket, I would never have imagined he could move that fast. Due to the ludicrous speed, he gains from shooting down the stairs, at a full run, he makes a wide loop around the tree, and actually runs up the tree, and seriously, makes it about eight feet up the tree trunk, just below the first main branch. Of course, Homer is barking the whole time, just daring the Squirrel to come down, where he can get at them. I have no doubt in my mind, that if he was actually able to catch one, and he has tried literally hundreds of times, he would tear it to pieces. God help, the first Squirrel, that zigs, when it should have zagged.

There is something about squirrels, I have no idea what is is, that dogs absolutely despise. I know from watching Homer’s attempted kill missions that it must be something. I have notice though, how Squirrels make this “chattering” sound at the dog, especially when they are safely just out of reach. The only thing I can figure out is dogs must be able to understand the Squirrels language, at least in a rudimentary sort of way.

I always imagine that the Squirrels chattering must be the equivalent to: “Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, You can’t get me. You stupid, smelly piece of s–t,.” Obviously, the dog gets it, as he always becomes even more enraged.

Maybe, Dogs and Squirrels have been having this epic battle for centuries. All I know for certain is, if the Squirrel makes one mis-step, or for any reason is distracted, even for a moment, Homer, is going to have Squirrel for lunch. Frankly, I wouldn’t blame him.

In closing, Let me just say this. Now, that I have explained the error of your ways, in a clear, concise, and extremely eloquent manner, Please stop this madness right now. Because, as you can plainly see, DOGS HATE DOORBELLS!!!

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


This news commentary is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.

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