Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

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The Great Anti-Trump Peanut Butter Smear Campaign

The Great Anti-Trump Peanut Butter Smear Campaign

This is awesome. Finally, an absurd story that I can really sink my teeth into. You seriously can’t make this stuff up. I read all about it on The Huffington Post.

This is the story of, 32-year-old, Chelsea Ferguson. Chelsea is from Amherst Junction, Wisconsin.

My first thought was that this woman had to be from Florida. After all, most of these type stories almost always originate from Florida. However, there was no mention that she might have been a transplant from Florida. Personally, I believe that she probably was. Here is her booking photo.

Here is her booking photo.


Anyway, Chelsea Ferguson decided that she had finally had enough of the 2016 Presidential election cycle, and especially Donald Trump supporters.

So far, she sounds just like all of us. Seriously, isn’t everyone tired of this election? I mean I can seriously relate to her being sick and tired of Donald Trump supporters as well. I for one can’t wait for these next two weeks to be over with, so we can all just get back to our lives.

Where Chelsea Ferguson differs from the rest of us she stopped imagining what could be done about all those annoying Donald Trump supporters, she decided to take direct action. Chelsea Ferguson did something about it. This is her story.

Chelsea Ferguson, in an apparent alcohol, and Peanut Butter, fueled rage finally snapped. You see people had been terrorizing her because she is a Hillary Clinton supporter, and these tormenters were ALL Donald Trump supporters.

So what is a Hillary Clinton supporter to do? Chelsea had a plan. Not only did she have a plan, she carried it out.

Unfortunately, Chelsea Ferguson’s plan had a serious flaw. She mistook the “Tomorrow River Conservation Club” to mean the “Tomorrow River Conservative Club”.

This is an honest mistake, right? I mean the words are identical except for the very last three letters. Anybody could make this mistake, especially if you were high on a deadly combination of alcohol and peanut butter.

Who know’s maybe the Tomorrow River Conservation Club is actually a front for Conservative’s who love Donald Trump. This definitely needs further investigation to be sure.

Finally, at her breaking point, and desperate to take action, Chelsea burst into the Tomorrow River Conservation Club meeting, armed only with a Family sized jar of; “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter”  This is the weapon that Chelsea Ferguson so bravely wielded;

This is photo of the type of horrifying weapon that Chelsea Ferguson so bravely wielded.


This would be considered a weapon of mass destruction if this was a meeting of people who all had peanut allergies. But, for the rest of us not so much. Chelsea Ferguson stormed into the meeting and yelled how much she hated Donald Trump, armed only with her family sized jar of Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter. This takes guts friends!

She was asked by the group to leave, and surprisingly, she just turned around and left the building. Little did the members of the Tomorrow River Conservation Club know, this was all part of Chelsea Ferguson’s plan and the real terror was about to begin……..

You see, Allegedly, Chelsea calmly walked out of the building where the; Tomorrow River Conservation Club’s meeting was being held. She slowly unscrewed the lid off her Family sized jar of; “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter” and proceeded to methodically smear peanut butter on all of the 30 cars parked in the parking lot.

This was Chelsea Ferguson’s moment. This was her great anti-Trump peanut butter smear campaign, and it was coming together right now.

Chelsea Ferguson’s organic peanut butter attack was almost complete when several minutes later, members of the Tomorrow River Conservation Club began to wonder just what Chelsea had in mind when she burst into their meeting brandishing only her family sized jar of Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter.

One has to wonder why it took the members of the Tomorrow River Conservation Club “several minutes” to figure out that something might be amiss here.

The members of the Tomorrow River Conservation Club ran out into the parking lot only to discover that it was too late. Chelsea’s plan had already been carried out, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Chelsea Ferguson as caught red handed smearing her anti-Trump peanut butter on one of the last of the member’s cars. He yelled at her to stop!

Once again, Chelsea complied and calmly walked into a nearby apartment and calmly shut the door behind her. But the story did not end there my friends, no, not at all. The Sheriff’s Department was called.

Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to the peanut butter terrorist’s apartment. At first, an unidentified man answered the door and denied that Chelsea Ferguson had not left the apartment all evening.

Eventually, Chelsea Ferguson answered the door reeking of alcohol and peanut butter. According to Sheriff’s Deputies stated that Chelsea was licking her fingers while talking to them. Of course, Chelsea Ferguson denied ever leaving the apartment all evening.

Eventually, the truth came out after she was identified by a member of   conservation club, as the person that was in fact, wielding the Family sized jar of; “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter”.

The jig was up, The reign of terror was finally over. Chelsea Ferguson confessed to being the mastermind behind the great anti-Trump peanut butter smear campaign.

Officers said Chelsea broke down and  became very emotional as she described how much she hated Donald Trump and absolutely loves Hillary Clinton.

She went on to explain why she decided to use peanut butter as a weapon. “Peanut butter is better than fire-bombing,”  She went on to explain how  Trump wants to fire-bomb everybody in other countries.

I really have to say that I agree with Chelsea Ferguson on this point,  Peanut Butter is better than fire bombing. That is unless you have a peanut allergy then it may actually be a toss-up.

She went on to express how she was so very sorry, and that she was “just fed up with the entire election.”

Chelsea Ferguson was arrested, and the Family sized jar of; “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter” was confiscated as evidence. The Deputies also photographed the cars across the street that allegedly had peanut butter smeared on them.

It was reported that many of the car’s owners had already left, or they had already cleaned off the peanut butter. Obviously, this destroyed the only evidence that could have been used against Chelsea Ferguson. What?  Was this intentional? Did Chelsea Ferguson have sympathizers on the inside?

As you can tell by the facts I have laid out before you there are several unanswered questions which were not addressed. Let’s take a look at some of the most obvious ones:

  1. Was the fact that Chelsea Ferguson decided to use a Family sized jar of; “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter” Vs. a store or generic brand of peanut butter, some sort of statement on corporate greed or malfeasance?
  2. Did Chelsea Ferguson purposely decide use “All Natural, ‘ Low Sodium” peanut butter an attempt to limit or minimize the damage that might be done to the cars paint job?
  3. Is the fact that she used “creamy” Vs. “chunky” peanut butter a conscious attempt not to do any damage to the cars that she smeared it on? After all “Chunky” peanut butter would certainly scratch a car or truck’s paint job due to the fact that peanut chunks are sharp and abrasive?
  4. Is the fact that Chelsea Ferguson was alleged to be intoxicated on a dangerous combination of alcohol and peanut butter a legitimate legal defense such as temporary insanity?
  5. Was the fact that that several of  the cars were either cleaned up or the owners had left prior to the Sheriff Deputies arriving evidence of some sort of cover-up? Were there other un-named, co-conspirators?

These are the serious questions that absolutely have to be answered, as well as proven in court, beyond any reasonable doubt, in order to give this courageous woman a fair trial.

Let’s not forget the fact that the United States Constitution guarantees a trial by a “jury of her peers”.

Good luck, finding a group of her peers that had also used a family sized jar of “Low Sodium, All Natural, Creamy Jiff Peanut Butter” as  a weapon in the commission of a crime.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

If your interested, You can read the original story here –> The Peanut Butter Caper .

As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


DUI Suspect Was Traveling With Dead Skunk, Police Say

DUI Suspect Was Traveling With Dead Skunk, Police Say. Now this story is totally absurd. I love this story. You are not going to believe this one, but it is absolutely true.

First of all, the old cliche of being drunk as a skunk is actually true, at least in the case of this guy. So as the story goes, this guy is driving drunk. Witnesses observe this idiot strike a guardrail with his mini van. So, what does he do he leaves the scene, and keeps on driving erratically heading towards the city. 

Pretty typical behavior for a drunk guy so far. A short time later the cops catch up with him, and pull the drunken idiot over. Here’s where it gets really good… The cop gets out of his car and is immediately assaulted with the smell of skunk. Believe me, for those of you unfortunate enough to know this smell, you know exactly what I am talking about. For those of you who don’t, consider yourselves very, very, lucky. Trust me this is one odor that you do not ever want to experience first hand. There is not a more foul odor anywhere, except for maybe the decaying smell of a dead body. However, I consider this to be a tossup, as to which smell is worse. Believe me, this odor is very nauseating, and very distinctive.



Intermission: OK, I actually have an interesting skunk story. This story takes place in Connecticut. Yes, Connecticut. In the Northeast part of the United States skunks are somewhat common, even in the big cities. Anyway, this is one animal that if you happen to see one, you give it a very, very, wide berth, and whatever you do, do not scare it

Anyway, skunks do not really have much of a strong smell themselves per se,  so unless it sprays something you will not be able to detect one by smell alone. The only time a skunk sprays anyone, or anything with their foul smelling stink spray is if they are startled, frightened or threatened.

Decades ago I used to live in this townhouse complex in Danbury, Ct. It was later in the evening on a warm summers day. I forgot what the circumstances were exactly, but I needed to borrow something from my neighbor Greg.

It was somewhere around 9:30 in the evening. I walked out of my door and walked the short distance to Greg’s front door. Now mind you it was somewhat dark in front of Greg’s door because his porch light off,  and because of the shrubbery on either side of the door.  Anyway, I knocked  on the door.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, coming from my right, was a dark shape moving along the front wall of the townhouse behind the shrubs  It was heading right towards me. I actually did not think too much about it as it kind of looked like one of the many cats from around the neighborhood. It could have even my cat.So, I really did not think too much about it. There was nothing in it’s movements that I would have even remotely considered to be a possible threat. Just one of the cats I assumed.

Mind you, only several seconds had passed since I had knocked on the door. I figured that Greg may have been upstairs, and did not hear my knock, so I looked back towards the door and proceeded to ring the doorbell.

Immediately after ringing the doorbell, I felt something rub against my legs. I glanced down and saw what I thought was one of the cats, and reached down and scratched the top of it’s head. It kept right on going, heading towards my townhouse. I looked over at the retreating cat and realized to my horror, that it was not a cat at all.  It was a skunk. It stopped and sniffed around the bushes not three feet from me. I stood there frozen in fear. The one and only thought that crossed my mind was; Please Greg, do not answer the door because you will frighten it. If you frighten it, I am the one getting sprayed with smelly skunk stink.

As luck would have it, Greg was not home and did not answer the door. The skunk kept going and disappeared around the corner of the building a couple of doors down. Crisis narrowly averted.

Important Safety Tip: Never, ever scare, threaten, or otherwise molest a skunk as they can spray their foul smelling odor with great accuracy for 15 to 20 feet.

Anyway, back to the drunk driver story… The cop exited his vehicle and was immediately assaulted with the horrendous skunk smell. The Police Officer then noticed a plastic grocery bag hanging from the back window wiper. On top of that, as if that wasn’t enough, the back window wiper was on, even though it was not raining. The bag was swinging back and forth on the window wiper.

The Police Officer approached the driver and smelled a strong smell of alcohol , not to mention the strong smell of the skunk emanating from the drunk guys vehicle. The Police Officer gave the man some roadside sobriety tests, which he failed miserably.

After arresting the drunk idiot, the Police Officer proceeded to ask the man what was inside the plastic grocery bag. The drunken man explained that there was a dead skunk inside the plastic bag, that he had killed because the skunk was killing his chickens. The man proceeded to explain that he was looking for a receptacle to dispose of the skunk.

The drunk guys vehicle was impounded along with his smelly dead skunk cargo, the man was booked into the local jail.
They never did explain why the window wiper was on, or why the smelly dead skunk needed to swing back and forth in time with the window wiper. Hmmmm.

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

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Landlord’s Bizarre Excuse For Hiding Dead Body For Days

Landlord’s Bizarre Excuse For Hiding Dead Body For Days.  A pub landlord hid the body of a dead customer for four days so he would not miss the busy weekend trade.The pub/hotel owner found the body of a pub regular dead (from alcohol poisoning) in the men’s toilets on a Friday night at his pub, in South Wales.(UK)

OK, I am going to try to look at this from a point of view of someone who obviously does not suffer from the ravages of intelligence. So, let’s examine this gentlemen’s thought processes and motivation. Business has been slow, It’s Friday night, at closing he discovers the body of a regular customer in the men’s room. Now I think this would suck on any level, not only has one of your regulars died, he died inside your establishment. Keep in mind he has done nothing wrong, so far. He’s thinking that if he report’s it right away, the cops will come around and investigate. (You know how pesky those cops can be.) This could have a serious impact on his weekend business, which he seriously needs. This is a real moral and financial conundrum.

The pub owner get’s this bright idea to hide the body till Tuesday, so he gets his weekend business, then he can call the cops, and tell them he just found the dead guy. No harm, no foul. The guy is already dead. (The article never did explain why he couldn’t call the cops on Monday, Hmm.) (mistake No.1)

So what’s he to do? He’s got a great plan, He actually asks the bouncer to help move the body, the bouncer for some odd reason refuses.  (mistake No. 2)

Finally, he asks a maid to help him move the body to one of the rooms, she apparently agrees, and assists him with moving the body. (mistake No.3)

For the next four days, the pub owner deflects the inquiries and concerns of the dead guys friends and family who inquired about the dead guys whereabouts. The pub owner actually told these concerned friends and relatives, that he had spoken to the dead guy recently, and that he was OK.  Of course, he neglected to tell them that the guy had died, and was currently stashed in one of the rooms. (mistake No.4)

Well, apparently his half-baked plan began to fall apart (what a shocker!)  He doe’s call those pesky cops on Tuesday, and tells them he found the dead guy in one of the rooms, so far so good. I am pretty sure he showed adequate shock and dismay at finding the dead guy.

Well, all good things come to an end. On the very day of the dead guys funeral, the maid (remember the maid) had been having nightmares, and felt guilty for her part in moving the dead guys body. She immediately went to those pesky cops, and told them the whole sordid story.

Of course, those pesky cops, being cops and all, investigated further, and of course all  of the pub owners serious mistakes in his half-baked, stupid plan were uncovered with only minimal work by those same pesky cops. The pub owner was ultimately sentenced to 15 months in prison.

On a side note, if the pub owner had ever watched any of those CSI type crime dramas, he would have known that his entire plan was absurd.

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

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