Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

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My Capture And Escape From A Trump Internment Camp

My Capture And Escape From A Trump Internment Camp

I had always laughed at the conspiracy theorists who during the Obama Administration used to claim that President Obama had set up secret internment camps all across the country to imprison those who would oppose his liberal agenda. On face value this claim is absurd. It wasn’t true then, but believe me, it’s true now.

They were actually right except for one important point!

You see, it actually wasn’t President Obama, the Democrats, or the Liberals who set up internment camps for dissenting Americans, these never existed except in the fertile imaginations of the fringe elements of society. But  President Trump and his Trumpian deplorable’s took this idea, acted upon it, and actually created these internment camps. I know this horrifying truth, first-hand, and this is my story.

I have always been a vocal opponent of Donald Trump for the last couple of years. I have posted a multitude of anti-Trump posts on my FaceBook page, Twitter, as well as my own website. I mean, seriously I know a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian half-wit when I see one. I never thought anything about it, even after he somehow became President. After all, I have first amendment rights just like everyone else, Right? Evidently, it’s not really true anymore now that Trump is President.

My ordeal started not long ago, on a warm Wednesday afternoon. It was 5:37 PM when I had just arrived home from work. (I know this because I was listening to NPR and they had just said the time) I backed my car into my usual spot behind the house. Victoria was off from work and visiting her mother, so I was alone at the house. Just me, Homer the dog, and Isabella the cat. I was looking forward to just relaxing, eating dinner, maybe a couple of beers, and going to bed early.

I got out of the car and looked over to the gate where Homer was barking and doing his usual happy dance which he doe’s every single day when I come home. I started walking around to the other side of the car to get my stuff when this white van pulled to a stop right in front of my car.  You know the type of van, no windows, nothing descriptive, just one of those typical vans that you see every day that is usually emblazoned with the logos of plumbing companies, electricians or A.C. companies or whatever.

As I was reaching for my passenger door, the van’s side door and passenger side door opened, and three people jumped out. These people were wearing military fatigues and all of them were wearing black knitted masks that covered their faces. The most notable thing about them was the military type weapons that they were carrying and were pointed directly at me.  Behind me, Homer was barking hysterically.

About this time, one of the masked marauders spoke. You won’t be needing those things Mr. Dye, as you are coming with us.  I actually started laughing as I have seen a hundred movies with this exact scenario. I might have thought it was funny, but they weren’t laughing. Suddenly, it dawned on me, this wasn’t a movie.

Two of them rushed up to me, grabbed my arms and handcuffed my hands behind my back. I started objecting with “Hey!!! Who the fuck are you?” The one on my right pulled out a black hood and said, “Shut up libtard unless you want to do this the hard way” I shut up, and he placed the hood over my head and they proceeded to frog march me over to the van and unceremoniously tossed me inside.

Once inside the van, they pulled the hood off of me and took off my handcuffs just long enough to make me send a text to my wife stating that I was called away on emergency business and I would be gone for a few days and I would not have access to my phone. Once I complied, they put my handcuffs back on and placed the black hood back over my head.

They all hopped in, slammed the doors and off we went. They drove down city streets and highways too. They never said a word. They were playing country western music on the radio. That’s the moment when I really started getting concerned.

They drove for two or three hours and suddenly we came to a stop. The driver rolled down the window and spoke to someone outside the van and said ” We got another one”  There was the sound of gates opening, and the voice outside said, “drop him off at the intake area”  The driver responded “will do” and then said; “Just doing our part to Make America Great Again”, and drove on. By this time I really, really, had to pee.

We came to a stop, the door opened and I was pulled from the floor of the van. My handcuffs and hood were removed. The military type masked dude motioned for me to enter the double doors that led into a building that looked a lot like an auditorium or school gymnasium. I glanced up, and there over the doors, in two foot high red letters, I read the following words; “Make America Great Again”. I went inside.

I went inside…

The very first thing I did was ask the nearest guy who looked like he may be in charge of something just because he happened to be wearing a red Make America Great Again hat where the bathrooms were. He responded by pointing to the left and saying “Over there libtard” and then go in and take a seat.

So, off I went to do my thing, wash my hands, and try to learn the lay of the land so to speak. There were several questions that came to mind right away. Who are these people? What do they want? When can I get some food? Is there beer? and more importantly, how do I get home?

The first thing I did was pull out my phone and see if I could get help. There was literally no signal, which could only mean that they had cell phone jammers operating and I would not be able to call for help. I turned my phone off to save the battery and walked out.

I was lead over to a long table and was told by on of the solder type dudes in camo to empty my pockets. I emptied my pockets, and they took my pocket knife, cash, change, and debit card. Obviously, this was so I couldn’t spend any cash while incarcerated in this black ops asylum. They handed my phone back saying how it won’t work here anyway. They then handed me my wallet that was liberated of all cash and my debit card as well. This was their first mistake.

I was lead into a small sized auditorium where there must have been a hundred or hundred fifty people seated. There were men and women, young and old, all of them were looking around and it was clear by the look of confusion on their faces that they arrived here under the same circumstances as I did.

As soon as I walked into the back of the auditorium the first thing I noticed was the 24 American flags across the back of the stage as a huge banner that said “Make America Great Again” There was a screen set up with an obviously hastily put together Power Point Presentation with the words “Resistance is Futile” and below that “How you can contribute to making America great again” .

As soon as I walked in, the red hat on stage pointed at me and said, “How kind of you to join us Tom Dye, The Safety Guy. Please, ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to one of the number one members of your so-called resistance.

Everyone turned to look at me and of course still being in movie mode because this entire scenario was straight out of a bad Hollywood movie, I raised my left fist into the air and shouted, “Long Live The Fighters”.

Everyone turned as one and immediately stood up and applauded, most yelled back “Long Live The Fighters” basking in the glow of the admiration of those assembled, I took a bow and ceremoniously took my seat in the back row.

After the assembled crowd settled down, the red hat on the stage made an ominous warning, “Enjoy it while you can Safety Guy because when we finish your indoctrination, there won’t be any more resistance”  Of course I couldn’t help but say to this Trumpian idiot, “Whatever Dude, If that’s what you think, then please be my guest and fuck off”  Once again there was another round of applause. I was actually starting to enjoy myself.

Red hat proceeded to give us a 45-minute cheesy PowerPoint presentation on how we all were going to be indoctrinated into being Trump supporters and how none of us would be allowed to leave until we were, the resistance would be broken once and for all, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Frankly, I wasn’t really paying much attention.

We were then all herded into military style dormitories where the men and women were separated and each dormitory held maybe 50 people. It was by now late afternoon and we were told by the red hat guards to prepare for dinner in the mess hall in 30 minutes. This was fine by me as I was starving at this point.

At the appointed time we were all herded into this giant mess hall with long tables and a sort of serve yourself buffet of either taco bowls or McDonald’s food. Evidently, their thinking was eating Trump’s favourite foods would somehow break us down. Personally, I was more concerned about my cholesterol levels. We were to be served the same foods for every meal.

In between eating the next few days consisted of sleeping, being forced to work in the camps factory churning out Make America Great hats as well as making Ivanka Trump’s clothing and accessories, followed by being forced to watch Donald Trump speeches on this gigantic 10′ high by 20′ long screen with the volume at 11, for hours at a time.

My first job at the factory, I was to run an industrial embroidery machine and embroider the words “Make America Great Again” on these red Chinese made trucker hats. I purposely kept writing “Mak Merica Grate Again” every chance I got.

When one of the red hats would come over and yell at me, I would just claim that I was a poor speller and dyslexic at that. This was just another type of resistance for me. The red hats, they believed me and soon transferred me over to putting rivets in fake leather Ivanka Trump purses. Of course, I screwed this up as much as possible as well.

In between eating, sleeping and working in the factories, we were forced to all pile into the auditorium to watch Donald Trump speeches on this giant screen with the volume turned up to 11.

I always made sure that I got right up close to the screen in the very first row. This seemed to make the red hats very happy as they thought their indoctrination was working. But in reality, this was just my way of perfecting my Donald Trump impersonations as well as mentally playing connect the dots with Trump’s giant pores on the big screen.

Well, all good things come to an end. After three or four days, I grew bored with the factory work, as the Donald Trump TV marathon, not to mention the McDonald;s food or taco bowls every fucking day and night. I started plotting my escape.

Remember when I said that it was a mistake when they returned my wallet to me? well, that was because I carry a credit card sized stainless steel multi-tool stashed inside on of the pockets. This is what it looks like;

Credit card sized multi-tool

Well, I want to say it was a Saturday or Sunday night, I wasn’t sure because I was starting to lose track of the days when I decided that I had enough of this Trumpian nonsense. I decided that sometime after lights out, I was going to make my escape before it was too late,

It was pretty sad because I had already seen how many of my fellow resistance fighters were weak and had become Trump supporters because of the indoctrination. This was obvious because some of them were now wearing “Make America Great red hats.

This same phenom had already happened to some of my close friends who drank the Trump kool-aid, and were already solid believers in the Trump authoritarian doctrine. Well, I wasn’t about to let this happen to me, After all, I Am Tom Dye, The Safety Guy, and I am one of the leaders of the resistance.

Lights out was promptly at 11:00 PM sharp. I waited for my fellow dorm mates to all fall asleep. I knew I couldn’t take anyone with me because of informers and recent converts, I was all alone.

I waited maybe two hours until I was certain everyone was asleep. I got dressed and pulled out my trusty credit sized multi-tool from my wallet and went to work. You see there was a window right behind my bunk that had galvanised 1/2 inch hardware cloth placed over the window and screwed into place. There were 36 screws. I know because I counted them multiple times.

Using my trusty multi-tool, I meticulously started removing each and every screw until I could fold the wire back far enough for me to open the window. At one point I dropped one of the screws on the floor. The sound seemed so loud that I thought everyone would wake up, but miraculously, no one did.

Once I could get to the window, I opened it wide I grabbed my blanket and slithered out to the grounds outside.  The compound was dark, so I made really good time to the fence at the edge of the compound. The fence was an 8-foot high chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire across the top. I threw the folded blanket across the barbed wire and climbed the fence. I scrambled over the top, grabbed my blanket and off I went into the night.

I walked for what seemed like hours. Just as it was starting to get light, I came to one of those all-night diners and inquired as to exactly where I was. I found out that I was near Claremont Florida about 1.5 hours east of my house. Essentially, I was out in the middle of nowhere.

I kept on walking until I reach a main road heading East-West. I came across a homeless dude on the corner with whom I traded my blanket for his black sharpie and a piece of cardboard. We were both really happy with the trade.

It sun was just coming up. I took the sharpie and made a simple sign. The sign read, ” Trump Resistance Fighter! I need a ride to Brooksville”  The moment I stepped out onto the sidewalk and held up my sign, at least 17 – 20 cars immediately pulled over and offered me a ride. This almost caused a traffic jam with the amount of Trump resistance sympathisers pulling over to offer me a ride. It was incredible.

I jumped into the first car with a guy that said he would gladly take me all the way home. A little over an hour and a half later I was dropped off right in front of my house by a complete stranger who for the last hour and a half had lapped up my story in multi-part harmony like a person stranded in the desert who had just found an oasis with the only water for miles around.

And here I am, still posting my stories on FaceBook, Twitter and on here too. Obviously, the Trumpian brain-washers failed. I heard that when others heard about my plight they discovered that the Trumpian Internment Camp had been hastily abandoned, and upon further investigation, it was discovered that there was nobody there. I have heard rumours that everyone was moved to North Carolina. Although, I have no way of knowing this for sure.

As the late Paul Harvey used to say, “Now You Know The Rest Of The Story”.


As Always,

I Am…..

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


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This article is an original satirical news commentary by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.

Brace For Impact!

Brace For Impact!

With just two weeks to go before the election, Donald Trump has only a 4.1% chance of winning the General Election for President of the Unite States. At this point in time, Donald Trump would have to win virtually every single one of the 16 battleground States to win enough electoral votes to win the election. The polls indicate that this is highly unlikely, if not impossible.

If Donald Trump were to somehow win the election, it would be the greatest polling error in the history of polling the elections.

By all indications, The Democrat, Hillary Clinton, will win the election by a comfortable margin, or even possibly by a landslide.

This article is not about the fact that Hillary Clinton may very well be the first woman President in history.

This article is about the percentage of Trump supporters who are in fact “deplorable”. These people are not going away just because Donald Trump lost the election.

You would be naive to assume that if Hillary Clinton wins these deplorable’s will just go away. Sure, maybe a small percentage will just shrug their shoulders and say Hillary won, so we will now just support the Clinton Presidency. Sadly, most will not.

Don’t get me wrong. Not all Trump supporters are deplorable. I personally know a few, and they are not deplorable. Misguided maybe, deplorable, no.

Donald Trump has awakened the dark side of America. He has said horrendous things about many groups of people, and the incidence of hate speech and crimes against Muslims, African Americans, Mexicans, Women, and Jewish people have risen dramatically since Trump entered his name into nomination as the Republican nominee for President.

Donald Trump has called our elections rigged, and that the media is biased against him. Our free and fair elections, and the peaceful transfer of power, as well as our freedom of the press, are the bedrock foundations of our American Democracy.

How could this happen?

It all started with Donald Trump’s main mantra that the country has become “Too politically correct”. This was a serious mistake. I have written about this previously. you can read about it by clicking This link,

Political correctness is the filter and the binding element that keeps the fringe elements of society in check. Without political correctness, the fringe elements have been unleashed and actually believe they have found a voice in Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has made; xenophobic, racist, bigoted, and misogynistic statements and his supporters go wild.  Donald Trump has incited political violence and even mocked a disabled reporter. He was even on tape advocating criminal sexual assault against women.

Donald Trump is also supported by; the Klu Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and other, conspiracy theorists of all kinds, as well as the radical Alt-Right. These are all fringe elements of society and Donald Trump has done little or nothing to discourage their support.

Donald Trump’s own words have unbound these fringe elements from the political correctness that society has managed to mostly keep in check for the last couple of decades.

Even when Donald Trump, loses the election these fringe elements are not going away. We experienced a similar phenomenon in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s with the radical leftest groups. It took decades to but this genie back in the bottle.

Donald Trump’s greatest sin against America is that he has given a voice to those who should have been left voiceless. Donald Trump has encouraged those who would harm American society to stand proudly and spew their hate when in reality they should have been left in the shadows and been relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, these fringe groups will not be going away anytime soon, and it will take a very long time to undue the damage he has been already done.

We are in for a long stretch of rough times ahead, and we have only one person to blame, and that’s Donald Trump.  Trump has awakened the dark side of American society, and all we can do is, place our tray tables in their upright position, fasten our seatbelts and prepare for strong turbulence for the next several years. And if for some reason sanity doesn’t prevail, be prepared to……… Brace For Impact!

As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


Attacking The Legitimacy Of Our Elections Is An Attack On The Very Foundations Of Our Democracy

Attacking The Legitimacy Of Our Elections Is An Attack On The Very Foundations Of Our Democracy!

The American system of free and fair elections is under attack. Donald Trump has done the unspeakable. Donald has attacked the very foundations of our nation’s Democracy. His shocking and unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud and media bias are an affront to the very foundations of our democracy that our founding fathers fought and died for.

So, Donald Trump, I am speaking directly to you, personally. This is an open letter yo you, Donald Trump.

Please try to listen, and pay attention, just this one time.

The American elections and peaceful transfer of power are considered the “Gold Standard” around the world, as well as they should be.

Let’s start from the very beginning and clarify a few facts.

The United States of America is not a true democracy in the strict sense of the word. The United States as set up and ratified by our founding fathers in 1787 is actually what is known as a “Constitutional Republic”.

Constitutional means that the government is bound by a constitution. The United States has a constitutional form of government.

A republic is a country governed by elected representatives. The United States is a republic.

This is why our free and fair elections, as well as the peaceful transfer of power, is so critically important, as we the people elect the politicians who are to represent us in all levels of Government.

This article is not about you, Donald Trump and your lies and bizarre statements. Obviously, you say this nonsense to fire up your misguided base.

And, frankly, I am sick and tired of writing about you. Every election cycle we have politicians running smear campaigns. This is nothing new.

Thomas Jefferson, was a well-known Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States. When Jefferson was running for President a smear campaign was run against him calling him a hermaphrodite. By today’s standards that smear campaign was actually kind of quaint.

What I am talking about here is your attack upon the very foundations of our electoral process. The legitimacy of our free and fair elections is critical not only to the voters but to the entire legitimacy of the United States Government.

Here is the video of the exchange that I am talking about. This exchange occurred near the end of the third and final Presidental debate, with roughly three weeks to go until the general election…..

There are two main factors at play here that I want to explore.

First, {1} you have been saying for weeks that the election is rigged against you. You have stated on multiple occasions that there are millions of people registered to vote that should not be allowed to vote.

Also, {2} You claim that the Democrats will be bringing in busloads of illegal immigrants from State to State to vote illegally.

Let’s dispense with the second part {2} of your allegations right off the bat. No, Donald, the Democrats will not  be bussing in busloads of illegal immigrants from State to State to vote illegally. This has never occurred and never will. The reason is because of the first part of your ludicrous accusations.

I have personally voted in every single general election since 1976. I have voted in four States in my lifetime, beginning in California, then Connecticut, then Massachusetts, and now Florida.

The process was always the same. First, I had to register to vote. My identity, Social Security number and address was verified. I was then issued a voter registration card by mail.

I arrived at the polling place and stood in line at the registration table. I gave them my name and address which was checked against a list that they already had. Once I was verified that I was at the proper polling place and my name was on the list, I was given a ballot to vote.

The important thing here was my name was on their voter registration list. Once I arrived to vote, my name was checked off, so it would be literally impossible for anyone else to come along and use my name to vote illegally.

The most important fact to remember is that in modern times there have been exactly 31 cases of voter fraud that have been verified by the Justice Department out of hundreds of millions of votes cast. 31 cases total.

First of all, the United States federal government does not run the elections. The States run the elections, all fifty of them. But when you are running for President of the United States, I would have thought that you would have known this.

In order to pull off some sort of wide-spread vote rigging as you have suggested, it would take literally  thousands of people, both Republicans as well as Democrats working together in multiple States in some sort of coordinated effort to even begin to try to pull something like this off.

Republicans and Democrats can’t even agree on what time it is, so I find this accusation of yours to have a probability of less than zero.

Besides, let’s look at the facts. When you, Donald Trump, lost the Iowa caucuses during the primaries, he said the vote was rigged. When you lost the Wisconsin primaries, you said the vote was rigged. Hell, you even said that the vote was rigged when you didn’t win an Emmy for The Apprentice, three years in a row. Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Evidently, in your  mind, if you lose, it is somehow rigged against you.

The other thing that Donald Trump complains about all the time is that the media is biased against him, and they are poisoning the minds of voters against him.

No Donald, the media is not biased aginst you!

The only reason that the media is against you, is because of your own self-inflicted wounds. I’me getting to this in just a second.

It is true that there are some media outlets that are leaning left of center and others that are right of center. Some media internet media outlets just make stuff up.

First of all ever since you started running, at your rallies you point to the media covering your events and call them; liars, tell the truth, and call them the crooked media, and a whole lot more. Believe me, when I say, this is not a good way to win friends and influence in the media.

Secondly, you obviously don’t understand the media. The media are like small children that become fixated on a small shiny object. You regularly become that small shiny object because of the outrageous things that you continue to say.

Even when you are having a pretty good day, or week and there is even something that comes up about your opponent, You can’t help yourself, but to say or do something that is so outrageous that whatever your opponent did becomes lost in all the noise of your own making.

For some reason, you insist on always being that bright shiny object, even when it’s to your own detriment.

Besides the media doesn’t go to the polls and vote, people do. So, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

But, now with all the outrageous lies, half truths and other bullshit that comes out of your mouth, you have really gone too far.

When you started questioning the integrity of our elections, and the fact that you insinuated that you would not support the outcome, and the ultimate will of the people, you went way, way, way, too far.

The United States elections and the peaceful transfer of power are sacred not only to the American people but to the entire free world. Every losing candidate in the history of our nation (except for during the American Civil War) has conceded to the winning candidate for President.

The losing candidate’s concession to the winning candidate is what brings the American people together and guarantees a peaceful transfer of power. This is what begins the healing process in what is often a very divisive election cycle. In the end, we are all still Americans. The President of the United States is tasked with representing ALL of us whether we personally voted for them or  not.

Donald trump threatens the very fabric of American society by even insinuating that our elections are not free and fair.

As Americans we may not agree on everything, But, the one thing that we all agree upon is that our elections are free and fair, And, the peaceful transfer of power is our most important constitutional duty.

In order to remain a free society, and fully live up to the ideals that our founding fathers fought and died for, we have to trust and believe in our free and fair elections, as well as the peaceful transfer of power, Without that, we have nothing.

As a final thought, Donald. If the founding fathers were alive today, they would line up to punch you in the face. Just saying……

As Always,

I  Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


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