White House Petition To Recognize Westboro Baptist Church As Hate Group Becomes Most Popular Ever. Really? What a shocker. Usually, I don’t mention names, or locations in my stories. However, this time I feel compelled to comment directly, and by name. This story is a departure from my usual absurd satire. This despicable, disgusting group, The Westboro Baptist Church, is not funny at all.
The Westboro Babtist Church is a anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, bigoted, hate group, who actually attempt to thinly disguise their particular brand of hate speech by wrapping it in quasi-religious doctrine, as well as First Amendment protections. Their sole purpose is to seek publicity through atrocious acts, and statements to the press.
This is my special commentary. I am calling them out, for what, and who, they really are.
So What is the Westboro Baptist Church? Per the generic Wikipedia entry: The Westboro Baptist Church is an American independent Baptist church known for its extreme ideologies, especially those against homosexuality. The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists primarily of members of his large family. The Westboro Baptist Church is based out of Topeka, Kansas.
This doesn’t even begin to describe them.So what doe’s the Westboro Baptist Church do that is so offensive?
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Westboro Protest |
One of the more despicable acts that the Westboro Baptist Church does is to picket funerals across the country, especially military funerals. The photograph above illustrates one of their typical protests. They have also protested several other high profile funerals. This hate group had also planned to protest the funerals of the twenty small children, teachers, and administrators, killed in Newtown, Connecticut, In the last example the group was scared off by public outrage.
Protesting the funerals of cops, soldiers, and small children tragically gunned down while in school, are you f–king kidding me? There is no real religion on the planet that would condone this type of behavior. Are you telling me that somewhere in the bible it says I should disrupt the funerals of anyone, not just cops, soldiers, or children, tragically killed, and hold up signs that say; God Hates Fags, Thank God For Dead Soldiers, God Hates The USA, Thank God For IED’s, etc.
This groups stated reason for all these despicable acts and statements is, this is God’s direct retribution for societies support for gay rights. The WBC specifically asserts that every tragedy in the world, is linked to homosexuality—specifically society’s increasing tolerance and acceptance of the so-called homosexual agenda.
That’s right this sicko group believes that twenty small children killed at school, soldiers killed in action and many other actions are God’s direct retribution for support of gay rights in America. Since when doe’s God retaliate against people, and small children that had virtually nothing to do with supporting gay rights?
There is a lot more things that the WBC has issues with including; protesting Jewish groups because they are the loudest voices in support of gay rights and abortion, that is according to the Westboro Baptist Church. This group has also protested and made inflammatory remarks against, The Catholic Church, The Protestant Church, The Eastern Orthodox Church, Judaism Islam, Hinduism, and much more.
The Westboro Baptist Church also believes that President Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ. The WBC has also condemned specific countries as well including Italy and Australia. The one thing you can say about the WBC is they are an equal opportunity hate group that seems to hate virtually anybody, and everybody. Calling this hate group a “church”, is a stretch at best.
The WBC is not affiliated with any Baptist denomination The two main Baptist conferences; The Southern Baptist Convention, and The Baptist World Alliance, have both routinely condemned, and disavowed the WBC over the years. Calling yourself a church, doe’s not make you a church.
This group is no more a church then I am. That’s right, If I formed; The Church of Tom Dye, The Safety Guy, and preached that God now insists that everyone now has to wear safety glasses, and hard hats, only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or suffer the wrath of God, I could do it. This concept is no more absurd then the bulls–t hate speech that the WBC spews out all the time, all in the name of God.
The WBC consists of less then forty people and is comprised mostly of one extended family. A bigoted, racist, homophobic, family spewing hate, hardly qualifies them as a church.The WBC has won several court cases protecting their right to free speech. While I fully support everyone’s right to free speech, which is one of the founding principles of the United States of America, Even free speech has limits. Words are powerful, you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater, you cannot threaten to blow up a school, or threaten the President.
There are consequences to stepping over the line, and then trying to claim free speech protections. The WBC is starting to find out what these ramifications are.Nowadays, at virtually every funeral that the WBC announces plans to protest, there is a very large showing of counter protesters, townspeople, volunteers, including the Patriot Guard Riders who show up and form a human shield, with their backs to the WBC to protect friends and families of the deceased from having to see, or hear, any of the groups hateful signs or speeches.
Recently the infamous international hackers group Anonymous has announced their intentions to destroy the WBC. Check the Anonymous video statement to the WBC below. One thing I know for sure, if I received a very public threat like this from a notorious international hackers group like Anonymous, I would be very, very, afraid.
Anonymous video statement to the WBC
(Don’t worry link opens video in a new tab so you won’t lose your place)
Anonymous has already hacked into the various WBC websites, email, and social media accounts, and has published the main members personal phone numbers, email addresses, and home addresses. According to the video this is only the beginning of a long term, sustained attack, upon the Westboro Baptist Church.
Even though I don’t condone vigilante actions, in this case I am somewhat ambivalent to these tactics. I am also pretty sure that the FBI, or any other law enforcement agency, is not going to bother spending much time or resources protecting the WBC from these international hackers. I am pretty sure that the FBI will give this all of the consideration it deserves. In some cases, the end justifies the means.
In this particular case, I agree that if no one is willing to take any action, to stop these nut cases, who call themselves The Westboro Baptist Church then Anonymous is justified to do it for us. Like I said previously, words have power, and consequences.
Now the White house has several petitions posted by the people, demanding the FBI, and the Federal Government, label the WBC as a hate group. These petitions further demand that the IRS remove the WBC’s tax exempt status. These petitions collectively have received more signatures then any other White house petition ever. As of this writing there were more then three hundred thousand signatures, and counting. So as we can plainly see the Westboro Baptist Church is not a church at all, they are a bigoted, homophobic, hate group that attempts to twist and distort religious doctrine for their own ends. Wrapping hate speech in a clock of religion does not gain them respectability, it only exposes their true colors.
Even though, I myself, am not religious, I am pretty sure that if their was a God, he would not be amused by the things the Westboro Baptist Church does in his name. There must be a special place, reserved in hell, just for this group.I do believe that how you live your life matters. The path the members of the Westboro Baptist Church has chosen is evil, and destructive. No matter what happens to these homophobic bigots, now or in the future, most of society will not mourn, or be saddened, when they fade away into the fog of history, for the world will be a better place without them. They are part of a multitude of groups, and individuals, best forgotten and ignored.
As I said previously, words, and actions, are powerful, and have consequences. You can use words and actions for good or for evil, the choice is yours alone. We all decide our own path in life. Unfortunately for the members of The Westboro Baptist Church, I believe that the consequences will be severe, and long lasting.
As always,
I am…
Tom Dye, The Safety Guy
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