Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

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The Horror Of Champagne Cork Injuries (It Can Happen To You)

Tales of the Absurd, Best of Series.

Update: New Year’s Eve is less than two months away, and Congress still hasn’t acted to ban these horrific weapons. Shame on you America. How many more people have to die or be seriously injured before we finally have the courage to act.

The Horror Of Champagne Cork Injuries (It Can Happen To You) Updated and revised 11-18-2016

Enough is enough! When are we finally going to do something about the thousands of people killed, and injured, every year, especially New Years Eve, from these deadly champagne cork shootings.

How many innocent people have to die before the public, and our elected officials, finally act to stop these senseless tragedies?

It is long established constitutional law regarding every American’s right to possess champagne. However, I believe that this right does not extend to military grade or cheap foreign imports of champagne that plague American society from our inner cities to rural small towns. In most States, it is perfectly legal to carry a concealed, and loaded, champagne bottle, on your person everywhere you go.

Part of the problem of champagne violence plaguing America is because it is very easy to purchase. There are numerous stores in virtually every city that high powered champagne can be purchased by anyone over the age of 21 without any sort of  background check or waiting period. A simple State issued identification card or drivers license is all that is usually required.

This entire process for the purchase of, and possession, of high-powered champagne, is flawed because it allows mentally unstable persons, as well as convicted felons, to purchase high powered, and fully loaded champagne, without any fear of being caught. None of the fifty States require you to register your loaded champagne or restrict the firing of deadly champagne corks anywhere except in public spaces clearly marked by signage forbidding it. Not even a single State even requires a simple background check. There is something seriously wrong with us as a society.

Champagne comes in all sizes or calibers. The standard “civilian calibers” range from the easily concealable .1875 caliber bottle, commonly referred to as a “Snipe” to .375 and .750 caliber, half, and full sized bottles.

All three of these standard sizes pack a single shot champagne cork, and all can be lethal, from fairly close range for the .1875 caliber “Snipe”, to the medium and long range killing power of the .375 and .750 caliber sizes.

There are larger caliber “Military Grade” champagne’s designed to kill or maim people from very great distances. These include the 1.5 caliber “Magnum” all the way up to the very long range 30.0 caliber “King of Salem”  long distance heavy artillery. Military caliber champagnes have been known to explode spontaneously, if not stored in the proper conditions.

There are misguided groups that argue civilians have the constitutional right to possess Military Grade, high caliber, champagne’s as well. These groups are very misguided as military grade high caliber sizes are not designed for self-defense, hunting, target practice, or any other legitimate purposes. These military calibers were only designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, killing people. These Military Grade Champagne’s were designed to be used specifically in battlefield conditions.

These military caliber champagnes were never designed to be used by civilians and sadly because of, lax to non-existent Federal or State legislation have already been used in some of the most horrific high-profile crimes against innocent people, including women and children.

How many innocent Americans have to die before we finally stop this madness?

All champagne calibers are single shot, one-time-use disposable weapons. However, there is a difference in the corks used for all calibers. There is the standard cork, found mostly in civilian calibers, as well as the plastic champagne cork, used mostly in military calibers. The plastic military grade champagne cork is far more lethal and easily penetrates most body armor.

It has gotten so bad that even in my small city here in Florida, some wing-nuts have actually begun openly carrying fully loaded large military grade champagne bottles right in the streets and even the local Walmart.

Military Grade Champagne

Military Grade Champagne

How are we supposed to know if these are actual law abiding citizens, a champagne terrorist or just someone that is wound way too tight that is just looking to kill the first person that looks at them wrong?

Seriously, how would you feel walking down the street, or even the aisles of your local Walmart with your spouse and small child when suddenly you see individuals carrying Military Grade champagne over their shoulders or slung across their backs? Wouldn’t you fear for your child?

Congress, The President, all the way down to State and local politicians have failed to act because they all have perverted the original meaning of the 32nd amendment of the United States Constitution. The 32nd amendment states:

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear champagne shall not be infringed” 

I believe in the United States Constitution as much as the next guy. But, seriously the 32nd amendment doesn’t make any freaking sense.

No wonder Champagne control opponents or Champagne Rights Groups can’t agree on a single fu@king thing.

I do know one thing, and this is critically important. After last News Years Eve tragedies now is the time to have a thoughtful discussion as a nation and civilized society  regarding sensible regulations for champagne, and champagne corks, to prevent these senseless injuries and deaths caused my mentally unstable individuals, as well as convicted felons.

Call, write, or email your Senator, Congressman or The President and let them know that high caliber military grade champagnes have no use in a civilized society, and demand sensible regulations to prevent future tragedies. Enough is enough.

Who’s with me on this?

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This article is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.

This Article Is Literally About Nothing!

This Article Is Literally About Nothing!

Astro-Physicists tell us that in the beginning there was literally nothing. Suddenly, the universe exploded into energy and light and became something. Nothing existed prior to that exact moment. This is what’s commonly known as the “Big Bang ” theory.

The problem is that not even Physicists can agree on the absolute definition of “nothing”. It’s probably safe to say that nothing is the complete absence of something.

I have a lot of experience with nothing, so obviously, I am an expert at nothing. So, now I am going to explain nothing, so everyone can understand nothing like I do.

Albert Einstein may have defined Special & General Relativity but I can assure you that Einstein or anybody else for that matter knows more about nothing than I do.

The basic concepts of nothing include:

  • Nothing can neither be created or destroyed. You still end up with absolutely nothing.
  • Nothing from nothing is still nothing.
  • You may believe that you have something, but, in reality, it is still nothing.
  • Something is just another facet of nothing.
  • The power of nothing should never be underestimated.

Before I was conceived I was 100% nothing. I only became something due to my parent’s metaphorical “big bang”, From nothing, I suddenly became something.

From my earliest childhood, it didn’t take me long to realize that I actually instinctively understood a lot about nothing. My entire life I have had nothing on my mind. People ask me all the time, what are you thinking about? or what are you doing? I inevitably reply, nothing.

Like I said, my fascination with nothing started as a very young child. I used to imagine something was under my bed, or something was in my closet. But, when I finally got the courage to actually check for myself,  I would look under the bed, or fling open the closet door, but every single time, nothing was there. From that point on I made it my life’s mission to understand nothing.

Nothing  prepared me for how things would be when I began Kindergarten, Elementary school, Junior Hgh School, High School, College, etc. Of course, I didn’t listen to anything that anyone else had to say. Nobody knew nothing like I did.  I finally thought that I was onto something, but ultimately, I finally realized that it was nothing.

When I started my chosen career path I finally knew almost nothing. But you know what, they hired me anyway, which means that I knew more than nothing at all.

I have had many times in life where all I had was nothing. Every time, I thought I had something, I would suddenly realize that I actually had nothing to show for it.

As I get older in life, I realize that nothing really matters. Sometimes, I have nothing to say, and that’s a good thing. Nothing, anyone says will sway my core beliefs.  I began with nothing, became something, and I will certainly return to nothing at all.

Finally, when I have nothing but great memories to look back on. I will always cherish all the sweet nothings that I have had whispered in my ear over the years. Something tells me that nothing else matters. Nothing may someday be used against me. But you know what? Something tells me that I have nothing to fear.

If you embrace nothing at all, You might have everything or more than likely nothing at all. Only you can decide.

If you have nothing to say or nothing to share, then you have nothing to use against me, nothing at all.

Nothing else really matters.

Nothing says it better than this, but I will give it my best shot. You just spent several minutes of your reading about nothing and you still have nothing to show for it. Hopefully, you now know more about nothing than you did before you started and that would be really something.

As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This essay is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.


Now They Are Trying To Convince Us That Giant Spiders And Other Monstrosities Are Our Friends!

Now They Are Trying To Convince Us That Giant Spiders And Other Monstrosities Are Our Friends!

Seriously? I think not!!!

Meet Charlotte.



Charlotte is a Huntsman Spider native to Australia. She was rescued from certain death by an animal rescue group in Queensland Australia.

According to the animal rescue group, Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, “She was a beautiful, calm spider, not aggressive in any way and like most spiders she just wanted to go about her business eating bugs and living in peace”.

Let’s break this down. Beautiful is obviously in the eye of the beholder. I believe that many animals and insects are beautiful. However, I draw the line at spiders.

I mean look at this thing, it looks like something right out os some sort of B-rated horror movie. I know some of you are saying; ah, look at how cute she is.

Really? Imagine waking up from a deep sleep and find this thing crawling across your face? Not so cute then, is she? Or how about Charlotte and twenty or thirty of her friends deciding they are going to use your bedroom as party central. Yeah, real cute.

The rescue group also noted how she was not aggressive in any way.  Of course, she wasn’t. As you can see in the photo the person is holding her on a broom. To a spider, a broom is a weapon of mass destruction. A more plausible explanation is Charlotte was just biding her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, or when you were not holding a broom. Whichever comes first.

I believe that she was just waiting for them to go to sleep, creep into the house, and carry her her dastardly plan.

Once the hapless animal rescuer was sound asleep, Charlotte would weave one of the famous Huntsman Spider webs across the bedroom door and wait until her hapless victim rose in the night to use the bathroom and become trapped in her web. Once her innocent victim was trapped she would spin them into a cocoon and suck all the juices out of them at her leisure until they were nothing more than a dried up husk.

I am somewhat of an authority on this, I have actually seen a couple of movies about this exact same scenario. Believe me, it never ends well for the human.

And finally, their last part is a total lie. They tried to convince us that Charlotte just wanted to live her business eating bugs and living in peace.

Let me introduce exhibit “A”. Here is a video of a much, much, smaller Huntsman Spider dragging a mouse up a refrigerator so the mouse could become its next meal.

If you account for Charlotte’s size, that would mean she would certainly be killing and dragging your cat or small dog into some hiding place to eat them. Think about that. Charlotte’s not so cute now is she?

Before you start sending me hate mail as some sort of monster who hates spiders, and would eradicate any spider I come across, you are dead wrong. As long as the spiders are outside, and stay out of my way, we get along just fine. Live and let live as I like to say.

I have a reason to be leery about our eight-legged friends. When I was a teenager living in the mountains in Central California my friend Jim and me used to hike around the area. I t was well known that Native Americans used to bury artifacts under mounds and rock piles.

Imagine our surprise when we were hiking across a dry streambed and we came across this giant mound about three feet tall right in the middle of the dry streambed we were hiking through. We thought we had hit the motherlode.

We did not have any shovels or any other sort of implements of destruction with us, so we decided to come back the next day and dig into it. This was ultimately a huge mistake.

We arrived back at the spot the next day armed with a couple of those folding camp shovels. We really thought that we might have found some really interesting artifacts. We were pretty excited to find out exactly what it was we had discovered.

We eagerly unfolded the camp shovels and started digging. When all of a sudden………

About of the quarter of the way through the mound, the sides suddenly fell away and literally thousands of spiders (well, maybe hundreds, It was a lot either way) came boiling out of the hole. I mean they were pouring out, jumping out, and crawling over each other.

This dark mass of  jumping, crawling mass of spiders came pouring out of the hole like some sort of viscous liquid heading right for us. I imagined that this huge mass of spiders we’re more than mildly irritated.

As far as I know, those camp shovels are still there as we dropped them and ran away as fast as out legs could carry us. This was not cool.

If this experience doesn’t give you a healthy fear of spiders I don’t know what will.

Years later, I had a friend who really liked tarantulas. He had 4 or 5 of them. He used to let them roam freely around his apartment. He used to call me and invite me over for a beer or two and to watch TV.

I used to warn him to put the spiders away before I got there because if one of them jumped on me, by sheer instinct, and self-preservation they would be squished.

His furry friends liked just like this….



Tarantulas.  A giant hairy spider, and the distinct possibility that they might be crawling or jumping on me, I think not. You know these things have fangs, right? If they wanted to they could bite the crap out of you.

As far as I can tell tarantulas look exactly tile the thousands of big hairy spiders that came crawling and jumping out of a mound in a dry creekbed and tried to kill me, and my friend Jim a few years prior.

Here’s another video I found on YouTube, that proves my point about spiders….

This spider is the size of a dinner plate. They describe it as having two-inch fangs but stress that its venom is not dangerous to humans. However, if it bit you, it would feel like 2″ nails driven into your hand. Really? That sounds like fun. This thing is definitely not my friend.

I have had several pets in my lifetime and still do.  I have had; Dogs, Cats, Birds, Hamsters, a Rat, and various Fish. (Well, fish are not really pets), and I once had a Parrot that would randomly attack me for no apparent reason.

But, other then the psychotic parrot, I didn’t have any worries that any of the cats, dogs or even the rat, that I have owned at various times in my lifetime have harbored any ill will towards me. If I was sleeping in bed and there were on the bed with me, I didn’t have to worry about them suddenly deciding that I was going to be their next meal.

Why stop at giant spiders being our friends? If these monstrosities are out friends how about befriending the Giant Coconut Crab? I mean why not. An over-sized dangerous spider Vs. a giant oversized crab. What’s the difference?

When it comes to friends in the animal kingdom, I am going to stick with the four-legged domesticated type. At least with these animal friends, I know I can sleep easy.

I don’t know about you, But I am not ready to be some eight-legged monstrosities next meal.  How about you?


As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This article is an original work of satire based on actual events (OK, very loosely, almost none). The original reference story posted on The Huffington Post can be found by clicking —->  HERE.


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