Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

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Most Americans Don’t Trust Our Government Anymore, But Why?

Most Americans Don’t Trust Our Government Anymore, Buy Why?

Today, according to polls Americans trust in our Federal Government to do the right thing is around 19%. You can contrast this to polls in the 1964, when most American’s trust in the Federal Government was 74%.

I have heard many disturbing things from people I personally know, as well as statements from politicians in recent years as to why our Federal Government is evil. I am sure that you have heard the same sort of things as well:

  • I need my guns (including assault weapons) to protect myself against Government tyranny.
  • Republicans have routinely tried to de-legitimize President Obama as our legally elected President.
  • The Democratic Party as well as The Republican Party have now decided that compromise is somehow a bad thing.
  • Conservative TV and radio pundits as well as illegitimate websites posing as “News” have spread lies and half-truths.

Lets look at these different rationals one by one.

I need my guns (including assault weapons) to protect myself against Government tyranny.

Seriously? When the founding fathers of The United States wrote our United States constitution, They stated clearly in the preamble exactly what they had in mind. The preamble states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The United States Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.

So, consider this, since when in the intervening 228 years have we ever had any reason to believe that the United States Government was going to turn upon us and we would actually need our guns to protect us from Government tyranny? Think about it…..Never! Not only never, I don’t see any evidence that the Government is going to start now, or anytime in the foreseeable future..

Republicans have routinely tried to de-legitimize President Obama as our legally elected President.

Personally, I find this Republican tactic to the most disgusting and racist tactic utilized by Republicans in modern times. Any attempt to legitimize a legally elected, American born President is incredibly dangerous.

Obviously, Me, You, and most educated Americans can see right through this bullshit. But, the sad thing is there are many, many, people who actually believe this nonsense with the help of the right-wing media and other so-called news websites that spew only lies and conspiracy theory’s. This only feeds into the false narrative that our Federal Government can’t be trusted.

I can’t think of anything more destabilizing to our belief in our federal Government then to insinuate that our legally elected President and the Government he established was somehow illegitimate. Even more scary is, the uneducated actually believe this bullshit.

The Democratic Party as well as The Republican Party have now decided that compromise is somehow a bad thing.

Prior to the 1990’s the Republican Party consisted of a Conservative wing, a Moderate wing, and a Liberal wing. Yes it’s true. The Democratic Party also consisted of a Conservative wing, a Moderate wing, and a Liberal wing of the party.

Obviously, this inter-party philosophical mix enabled an easy compromise solution concerning any particular issue, as there were elements of both parties that could work out some sort of compromise deal.

The founding fathers of our nation forged the Declaration of Independence and The United Constitution based upon huge compromises. Which begs the question, when did compromise become a bad word?

Somewhere along the way the Republican Party purged the moderate and liberal wings of their party and the Democrats purged the conservative wing of their party. This is a major reason why we have so much partisan gridlock and distrust in Government that we have today.

Conservative radio and TV pundits as well as illegitimate websites posing as “News” have spread lies and half truths.

Let’s face it, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Info-wars, Drudge report, Breitbart News, and a host of others basically spew lies and half-truths designed specifically to sway the uneducated with lies specifically tailored to play upon their fears and insecurities thus creating a huge feedback loop.

Nothing like preying upon the uneducated and ill-informed for profit. The sad thing is any one of these wing-nuts lies could be easily discredited by some basic research or even simple internet searches. OH, but wait they made sure to make these poor souls not to trust any sort of regular media, as according to these despicable excuses for humanity, ALL the main stream media lies, and they are the only ones telling the truth. This is truly very sad. It is so obviously true that some people do not suffer from the ravages of intelligence.

So, where does this leave us?

Personally, I believe in our Federal Government, I believe that the Federal Government (mostly) attempts to do the right thing by the American public. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with “everything” our Government does. This of course is predicated on what issues the Government is advocating at any given moment.

Think about it, where would we be, if not for our Federal Government and that more perfect union that our founding fathers envisioned?

Of course, I have powerful weapons at my disposal. First, I do my own research, I use multiple information sources, I make up my own mind, as I don’t need others doing it for me.

Lastly, …..I get involved, and….I Vote!

A founding father once said; “Democracy is founded upon a well-educated population”  It was true then, it is even more appropriate now.

What do you think?


As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


Donald Trump Isn’t a Savior, He’s a Con Man

Donald Trump Isn’t a Savior, He’s a Con Man.

I am not so naive as to believe that this article will change the minds of any hardcore Donald Trump supporters.

Just look at all the lies he’s told. Trump’s xenophobic, racist, bigoted and misogynistic comments and statements literally don’t seem to matter his supporters.

If this was any other Presidential candidate ever in history he would have been doomed long before they could ever get this far in the Presidential race.

The mindset and ignorance of a good percentage of certain groups and individual supporters of Donald Trump frankly scare me and it should scare you as well.

How is it even possible that as a society could we have gone so far off the rails that a candidate for President of the United Stated could even be someone like Donald Trump? Even our founding fathers couldn’t have seen this coming.

Trump supporters have become a giant negative feedback loop that somehow blinds them to the lies right in front of them. It is simply stunning and frankly it’s not funny anymore.

With that being said, today I wanted to post just a sampling of Trump stories from one day from multiple news websites. These are just a sampling of the stories posted on only “one day”, on September 29, 2016.

From: www.





OK, you get the general idea. Multiple news sites publishing multiple  Donald Trump news stories everyday.

I know, I know, right-wing conservatives will scream; Liberal Media, Mainstream Media, Corporate Media, Gotcha Media, Lies, etc., etc., etc.

No it’s not. This entire concept was created by Sarah Palin in 2008 when Katie Couric had the gall to ask Sarah Palin what newspapers she read. Palin called this a “Gotcha” question from the lame-stream media.

I never understood how a softball question like “What newspapers do you read everyday” is somehow a trick question. Considering Sarah Palin couldn’t answer it just revealed how much of an idiot she was, and still is for that matter.

Donald Trump has kept up the same tradition, only on steroids. Donald Trump will actually says something, and one hour later deny he ever said it. Still his supporters literally ignore all of this. WTF???

Donald Trump is quite obviously the most dangerous person that has ever run for President of the United States.

How could anyone ever still support Donald Trump after all of this, is way, way. beyond me.

Maybe some of you have greater insights about human psychology then I do. If you have some deeper understanding of psychology and would care to enlighten me please post a comment below.

Somehow, independent fact-checking has become a bad thing to Trump and his supporters. Since when did the truth become negotiable or open to interpretation?

You will notice that I did not include any news stories from: breitbart, infowars, drudge report, or Fox News.

This omission is deliberate on my part, mostly because these outlets somehow see the same facts and spin them into an entirely different reality. These quasi news outlets have their own agendas and truth is certainly not important to their particular point of view.

Here’s a video with some interesting insights:

If you reject the facts because they do not match your own beliefs, the facts are not wrong. The only thing that is wrong is your view of reality.

I am in no way advocating that you just take my word for anything. I encourage you to do your own independent research cross checked from multiple sources, and then make up your own mind.

Think about that.

Is Donald Trump a savior or a con-man?  I believe the facts speak for themselves. But, only you can decide for yourself.

As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

When Did Lying Become The Acceptable Norm In American Society?

When Did Lying Become The Acceptable Norm In American Society?

I don’t know about you, but when I was a child growing up lying was considered a fairly serious offense. When my kids were growing up, lying to us was still a fairly serious offense.

Don’t get me wrong. Of course, when I was a child if I could lie to my parents, and get away with it about my “certain activities”, e.g.- grades, where I was, and what I was actually doing. In these cases I certainly would lie, if I thought I could get away with it.

I lied it to protect my own self interests. That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a well-defined penalty if my parents did found out that I was lying. There certainly was, and the punishment was always worse than if I had just told the truth in the first place. I raised my children the same way. The truth is always worse then lying about it. Period! There are no, and’s, if’s, or but’s, about it. Lying was unacceptable. Basically, If I owned up to it, I was far better off then lying about it.

Somehow, everything has changed in the last several years.

Today, lying has become the new normal. What was once taboo, is now the accepted societal norm.

What the hell is wrong with everybody?

Let’s look at a few examples;

People lie on their resumes all the time. I have had several discussions with Human Resources professionals and they confirm that this is a wide-spread phenomenon.

This is something that I never understood. Let’s look at this from my own specialized job skill. I have been doing the same sort of job for over twenty years now. Certainly, I have done a lot in my time, and my resume reflects that.

If I was going to apply for a job that paid a lot more than I was making now, I could just pad my resume with skills and experiences that I don’t actually have right? I mean I can learn just about anything I need to know on the internet, just like everybody else. But, what if they asked me to do this one made up skill, on day one? Then I would obviously fail, and my credibility as well as my employment status from then on would be called into question.

Politicians like Donald Trump, and others lie all the time. Doe’s anyone on the media call him out on his lies? Rarely.  It used to be that if a politician blatantly lied, the media crucified him or her for it.

Not this time around. Somehow Donald Trump telling blatant ties is somehow acceptable, and furthermore, his supporters don’t even care. What is wrong with everyone?

The politicians and their surrogates lie, and we give them a free pass. The media lies, and we give them a free pass. Corporations, and CEO’s lie, and we give them a free pass.

What the hell is wrong with everyone?????

Obviously, we all have the right of free speech. This fact is indisputable.

Actually, there are two types of lies. There are those “little white lies” and there are those “liar, liar, pants on fire” type of lies. One is to protect the feelings of others, and one designed is to deceive everyone through false pretenses..

The  “Little White Lie” is just a small deception designed to protect the feelings of a particular person involved. E.g.- Why you were late, while you were actually out shopping for their birthday or anniversary present.

Or, your friend, spouse, or family member has just delivered a brand new newborn baby girl. Everyone gushes about how beautiful she is, but to you she looks just like a little old man dipped in 30 weight oil. Obviously, if you care for this person at all you are not going to exclaim, ” My God, That’s the ugliest baby I have ever seen”.  Unless, you don’t want to have any sort of personal relationship with this person ever again.

In these type of situations, it is far better to keep your real feelings to yourself.  Essentially, these since these lies actually don’t harm anyone, but they actually promote a certain peace and tranquility for all parties involved.

On the other hand, The liar, liar pants on fire, type blatant lies are very dangerous.

Donald Trump is a genius at these type of lies. Trump’s refrain of; Crooked Hillary, We are going to build a big beautiful wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it, I can’t release my tax returns because I’m being audited by the IRS, and I am going to deport 11 million illegal aliens, as well as the actual unemployment rate is 48%,  are all lies designed to deceive the public for nothing more than personal gain,

The problem with,  liar, liar pants on fire, type of blatant lies is that these are designed for personal or professional gain with absolutely no basis in fact. This type of lie is designed specifically to confuse others and to sway them to your  side of the argument by “false pretense” for personal, political, or financial gain.

The uneducated or uninformed are easily swayed by a charismatic personality repeating a lie so often that it somehow becomes the truth. When in reality, a lie is always a lie, no matter how often it is repeated.

I find this new normal of lying to be totally unacceptable. If someone is lying they should be called our for what it is. A blatant lie should be called out, and confronted in the quest for the universal truth.

Why we let these lies stand now is beyond me. It was wrong when I was young, It was wrong when my children were young, and it is still wrong now, no matter who is telling it.

Personally, I find it so much easier to just tell the truth, because I never have to remember the lies I told to who, and when.

If you want my support, and possibly sway my decision, your argument should be based on facts, and the sheer power of the truth and verifiable facts of your argument. If you lie to me, every other statement you make is automatically suspect.

If you can’t stand on the truth, then you have no business standing at all.

Think about it!

As Always,

I am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


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