Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

Month: November 2016 Page 3 of 4

Now They Are Trying To Convince Us That Giant Spiders And Other Monstrosities Are Our Friends!

Now They Are Trying To Convince Us That Giant Spiders And Other Monstrosities Are Our Friends!

Seriously? I think not!!!

Meet Charlotte.



Charlotte is a Huntsman Spider native to Australia. She was rescued from certain death by an animal rescue group in Queensland Australia.

According to the animal rescue group, Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, “She was a beautiful, calm spider, not aggressive in any way and like most spiders she just wanted to go about her business eating bugs and living in peace”.

Let’s break this down. Beautiful is obviously in the eye of the beholder. I believe that many animals and insects are beautiful. However, I draw the line at spiders.

I mean look at this thing, it looks like something right out os some sort of B-rated horror movie. I know some of you are saying; ah, look at how cute she is.

Really? Imagine waking up from a deep sleep and find this thing crawling across your face? Not so cute then, is she? Or how about Charlotte and twenty or thirty of her friends deciding they are going to use your bedroom as party central. Yeah, real cute.

The rescue group also noted how she was not aggressive in any way.  Of course, she wasn’t. As you can see in the photo the person is holding her on a broom. To a spider, a broom is a weapon of mass destruction. A more plausible explanation is Charlotte was just biding her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, or when you were not holding a broom. Whichever comes first.

I believe that she was just waiting for them to go to sleep, creep into the house, and carry her her dastardly plan.

Once the hapless animal rescuer was sound asleep, Charlotte would weave one of the famous Huntsman Spider webs across the bedroom door and wait until her hapless victim rose in the night to use the bathroom and become trapped in her web. Once her innocent victim was trapped she would spin them into a cocoon and suck all the juices out of them at her leisure until they were nothing more than a dried up husk.

I am somewhat of an authority on this, I have actually seen a couple of movies about this exact same scenario. Believe me, it never ends well for the human.

And finally, their last part is a total lie. They tried to convince us that Charlotte just wanted to live her business eating bugs and living in peace.

Let me introduce exhibit “A”. Here is a video of a much, much, smaller Huntsman Spider dragging a mouse up a refrigerator so the mouse could become its next meal.

If you account for Charlotte’s size, that would mean she would certainly be killing and dragging your cat or small dog into some hiding place to eat them. Think about that. Charlotte’s not so cute now is she?

Before you start sending me hate mail as some sort of monster who hates spiders, and would eradicate any spider I come across, you are dead wrong. As long as the spiders are outside, and stay out of my way, we get along just fine. Live and let live as I like to say.

I have a reason to be leery about our eight-legged friends. When I was a teenager living in the mountains in Central California my friend Jim and me used to hike around the area. I t was well known that Native Americans used to bury artifacts under mounds and rock piles.

Imagine our surprise when we were hiking across a dry streambed and we came across this giant mound about three feet tall right in the middle of the dry streambed we were hiking through. We thought we had hit the motherlode.

We did not have any shovels or any other sort of implements of destruction with us, so we decided to come back the next day and dig into it. This was ultimately a huge mistake.

We arrived back at the spot the next day armed with a couple of those folding camp shovels. We really thought that we might have found some really interesting artifacts. We were pretty excited to find out exactly what it was we had discovered.

We eagerly unfolded the camp shovels and started digging. When all of a sudden………

About of the quarter of the way through the mound, the sides suddenly fell away and literally thousands of spiders (well, maybe hundreds, It was a lot either way) came boiling out of the hole. I mean they were pouring out, jumping out, and crawling over each other.

This dark mass of  jumping, crawling mass of spiders came pouring out of the hole like some sort of viscous liquid heading right for us. I imagined that this huge mass of spiders we’re more than mildly irritated.

As far as I know, those camp shovels are still there as we dropped them and ran away as fast as out legs could carry us. This was not cool.

If this experience doesn’t give you a healthy fear of spiders I don’t know what will.

Years later, I had a friend who really liked tarantulas. He had 4 or 5 of them. He used to let them roam freely around his apartment. He used to call me and invite me over for a beer or two and to watch TV.

I used to warn him to put the spiders away before I got there because if one of them jumped on me, by sheer instinct, and self-preservation they would be squished.

His furry friends liked just like this….



Tarantulas.  A giant hairy spider, and the distinct possibility that they might be crawling or jumping on me, I think not. You know these things have fangs, right? If they wanted to they could bite the crap out of you.

As far as I can tell tarantulas look exactly tile the thousands of big hairy spiders that came crawling and jumping out of a mound in a dry creekbed and tried to kill me, and my friend Jim a few years prior.

Here’s another video I found on YouTube, that proves my point about spiders….

This spider is the size of a dinner plate. They describe it as having two-inch fangs but stress that its venom is not dangerous to humans. However, if it bit you, it would feel like 2″ nails driven into your hand. Really? That sounds like fun. This thing is definitely not my friend.

I have had several pets in my lifetime and still do.  I have had; Dogs, Cats, Birds, Hamsters, a Rat, and various Fish. (Well, fish are not really pets), and I once had a Parrot that would randomly attack me for no apparent reason.

But, other then the psychotic parrot, I didn’t have any worries that any of the cats, dogs or even the rat, that I have owned at various times in my lifetime have harbored any ill will towards me. If I was sleeping in bed and there were on the bed with me, I didn’t have to worry about them suddenly deciding that I was going to be their next meal.

Why stop at giant spiders being our friends? If these monstrosities are out friends how about befriending the Giant Coconut Crab? I mean why not. An over-sized dangerous spider Vs. a giant oversized crab. What’s the difference?

When it comes to friends in the animal kingdom, I am going to stick with the four-legged domesticated type. At least with these animal friends, I know I can sleep easy.

I don’t know about you, But I am not ready to be some eight-legged monstrosities next meal.  How about you?


As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This article is an original work of satire based on actual events (OK, very loosely, almost none). The original reference story posted on The Huffington Post can be found by clicking —->  HERE.


When We Vote, Shouldn’t Humanity Be A Serious Consideration?

When We Vote, Shouldn’t Humanity Be A Serious Consideration?

Consider this for a moment, The very first line of the preamble of the United States Constitution says everything, WE THE PEOPLE!

We The People

We The People

The Great Seal of the United States features our nation’s symbol, The American Bald Eagle holding a banner in its beak. This is also the Presidential Seal and is prominently displayed on our U.S. currency. The banner says, e Pluribus Unum. This phrase is latin for; Out of Many, One!

The Great Seal of the United States

The Great Seal of the United States

And let’s not forget the Declaration of Independence from July 4, 1776 which in part states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

Don’t worry, I am in no way trying to sway your political point of view or support for any particular political candidate for elected office. This is also not some sort of RA, RA, USA, USA, USA, patriotic, God Bless America story either. This is a story about humanity.

We The People and  e Pluribus Unum (Out of Many One) are two of the most important bedrock foundations of our Republic. In modern terms, these phrases as well as well as the preamble to the Declaration of Independence can be translated into “We Are All In This Together, and ALL OF US, Deserve, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

Think about this for a moment. These phrases have serious implications.

Our founding fathers fought for, and untold numbers died for these simple concepts. So how come we have seemingly lost our way?

In 2004, Barack Obama, a State Senator from Illinois gave the keynote address at the Democratic convention. Part of his speech included the following paragraph,

“Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America — there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America”.

Alright, I know some of you are thinking, “I really hate Obama” others are thinking, “I love President Obama”. So be it. However, whatever you may think of Obama, it doe’s not in any way negate the truth of these words.  If I didn’t say who actually said these words, there are few of us that would disagree with the paragraph above. Just a handful of words, but their truth is self-evident.

So, with that being said, and going back to my original premise of, “We Are All In This Together, and ALL OF US, Deserve, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

Let’s take a look at just some of the issues that have divided our country in recent times.

  • The United States Supreme Court Granting same-sex couples the right to marry. – Under the U.S. Constitution, all citizens are guaranteed “Equal Justice Under The Law” This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with anyone’s lifestyle. However, it doe’s mean that EVERYONE deserves the same equal protections and rights under the law that all of us enjoy. Besides, the world has not ended, the birds still sing, and the sun still shines. So evidently, this was not such a big deal after all.
  • The fight over allowing Transgender individuals the right to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. All I have to say about this is, what bathroom do you think they have been using all this time, for decades? Let that sink in for a moment.
  • Demonizing one religious group over another, especially Muslims. George Washington wrote about “Arabs” serving in the Continental Army. Muslims have been part of the American fabric since the very beginning of our nation. Not to mention the fact that our founding fathers made it perfectly clear that the United States was not founded on the Christian religion or any religion. All the founding fathers guaranteed was the right to practice the religion or non-religion of your choice. Essentially, if someone practice’s a different religion from you, they have just a much a right to their belief as you do to your’s. This is well established, so get over it.
  • Demonizing one ethnic group over another. Mexicans, Hispanics, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, and everyone else. As I said we are all in this together.Remember,  e Pluribus Unum. Undocumented Immigrants, We are not going to deport 11 million people who came here for the exact same reasons as our ancestors did. Seriously, we are not. No matter what anybody says.  All these people want is to create a better life for themselves and their families and to grab onto just a small part of the American dream.  Doe’s that sound familiar? Just look back at your own family history. I would be willing to bet that your ancestors wanted the exact same thing. Think about it.

Consider this, If we are in fact all in this together,

  • When any families or Veterans are homeless, we are all homeless, for we have failed as a society to take care of our fellow human beings and provide the basic necessity of shelter.
  • When anyone in America goes to bed hungry, we are all hungry, as we have failed to adequately feed all of us. Just think about all the food we waste as a society every day while others go to bed hungry? There is something seriously wrong with this scenario.
  • When the disabled, or mentally ill individuals suffer and are not offered the same opportunities as everyone else, we have failed as a society to provide equal opportunities for all.
  • When senior citizens have to choose between life-saving medications or eating, then we have failed all of those that came before us.
  • When poor neighborhoods and communities are not offered the same economic opportunities as wealthier neighborhoods then we are all poorer as individuals and as a nation.
  • When we do not value the rights and dreams of others, then we as a society suffer the nightmare of a selfish and uncaring society. Shame on us for not being willing to offer the same opportunities that we enjoyed to others who are less fortunate or different from ourselves.
  • When we don’t support the Basic “human right” of, healthcare for all without having to go bankrupt from exorbitant medical bills than all of us as a society are injured or diseased as fellow human beings.
  • When minority groups of Americans, e.g.- Blacks, Hispanics and the poor are unjustly persecuted and even killed by law enforcement at a rate of over three times the rate of white people for the same offenses, then as a society we are all persecuted. Not only that, we are willing accomplishes to this very same injustice.

As I stated right from the start, this is a story about humanity. I fully understand that in American politics, people often vote against their own interests. I personally don’t understand this way of thinking, but I do know it actually happens. As a society, maybe we are asking ourselves the wrong questions, so in turn, we are receiving the wrong answers.

All I am saying is maybe all of us need to look deep into ourselves and look at ourselves and as a nation and consider that as a society that sometimes the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.

With any political or personal decision we make in life, maybe we should try to imagine what’s it like to walk a mile in another’s shoes. If we did, we may find that our personal bias and prejudices are blinding us to the needs of the rest of humanity.

Remember, “We Are All In This Together, and ALL OF US, Deserve, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

Love, Understanding, Compassion, and Empathy, towards one another, are not just lofty words. These words, no, not just words, THESE ACTIONS, are the very essence, and foundations of humanity.

Think about it.

As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


Killer Squirrel Attacks And Injuries Seniors At Florida Retirement Home {UPDATED}

Killer Squirrel Attacks And Injuries Seniors At Florida Retirement Home. {UPDATED}

It’s finally begun, The squirrels are turning against us!  If you don’t take precautions now, what happened to these innocent elderly people could very well happen to you.

Make no mistake about it, my friends, Florida has become “ground zero” in the greatest existential threat to mankind that we have ever faced.

There are incoming, sporadic reports starting to come in from around the country about similar attacks by killer squirrels taking place all across America.

Before the previously lovable and comical squirrels finally get organized enough to cut off my internet connection, I strongly suggest that you print this, send it to friends, and loved ones, or just get a pen and paper to take notes.

As Tom Dye, The Safety Guy, I feel it is my solemn duty to give you all the information you need to protect yourselves, your friends, as well as loved ones from the upcoming squirrel apocalypse.

Here’s what we know so far………………

On Thursday, at the Sterling Court Retirement Community in Deltona, Florida a killer squirrel viciously attacked several elderly people. This unprovoked terrorist squirrel attack started outside the building where the squirrel launched itself at an elderly man and started to viciously bite and scratch him.

This brave elderly man managed to somehow grab onto the rampaging bloodthirsty squirrel and fling it away. Unfortunately, in his struggle, he accidently flung the squirrel right into the building. This is the moment when the real reign of terror began.

Once the bloodthirsty terrorist squirrel gained access to the inside of the building, it made a beeline for the activity room where several elderly people were located blissfully unaware of the horrific attack that was about to begin.

The squirrel filled with bloodthirsty rage burst into the activity room and began jumping on the innocent elderly victims one by one, biting and scratching each one that it could manage to sink it’s teeth into.

Just so you can fully appreciate the magnitude of the terror inflicted on these innocent elderly victims, here’s a link to the audio recording of the actual 911 call. To listen to it,  Click Here.

Somehow, at some point during the attack, at least one of the elderly victims managed to get the upper hand on the killer squirrel and eject it from the building. His or her, brave actions prevented further bloodshed, and undoubtedly saved the lives of several people.

However, As of my press deadline, the facts remain unclear as to the exact sequence of events.

So, why have squirrels suddenly turned upon us?

Looking back at it, this has actually been coming to a head for quite some time. It happened so subtly, that I just wasn’t able to put the pieces together until now. There were a lot of little things, seemingly just random events that should have been a glaring warning to me. But with recent events I now know for certain.

First of all, the usual clownish behavior of the normal squirrels running back and forth and jumping from tree to tree were slowly replaced with squirrels that would just sit there and stare at me.  I don’t mean just stare, I mean that pure evil type of malevolent stare of a serial killer. Here’s an example.

Killer Squirrel

Killer Squirrel

It’s not only that. My dog Homer, who is half Rat Terrier, has always barked at and even chased squirrels his entire life. Recently, he suddenly stopped doing that. When he sees one of these killer squirrels, he just looks at them and slinks back into the house. No barking and certainly no chasing them. I just assumed that his behavior was just because he was getting old. Now I know better.

There have also been isolated reports of squirrels attacking and eating birds, rats, mice and other small animals Vs. their usual diet of raiding bird feeders for seeds and collecting acorns. I never gave much credence to these reports until now.

Here’s a photo to prove it. I didn’t believe it before, but I do now.


So why now? What changed?

I have some theories, This dire situation may be a result of one or a combination of factors.

  • Pollution – As an example, several months ago millions of polluted and slightly radioactive water was released into the Florida aquifer from a giant sinkhole under a holding pond at a Florida phosphate plant. There have been reports of wide-spread pollution in other States as well.
  • Climate Change – A warming planet could be impacting the squirrel’s  natural food supply of bird seed, nuts, and acorns.
  • Technology – Let’s face it for all of us who maintain bird feeders squirrels are the bane of our existence. Squirrels have normally been able to get to the birdseed no matter what precautions we may have taken. However, with new technology advancements in bird feeders squirrels have now been cut off from this main food source. This as well as new squirrel repellents have caused a tremendous amount of stress in squirrel populations.
  • Urban Deforestation – This is actually related to climate change. Old growth oak trees are dying off at an alarming rate. The ones that are still thriving are producing far fewer acorns than in previous years.
  • Political Climate – Squirrels have been demonized in recent years for digging in people’s well-manicured lawns, stealing bird food, and damaging crops. A few “bad” squirrels have caused the entire species to get a bad name. The deeds of a few bad actors have impacted the entire squirrel community. This trend will only continue in our politically polarized and divisive political environment.

Or, it could be something else entirely. Until more scientific research is done we have no way to know for certain. So far, the mainstream media isn’t even reporting these insidious attacks by our former friends and four legged furry allies, the squirrels.

But, all is not lost my friends, there are ways to protect ourselves from these bloodthirsty squirrels hell-bent on attacking and eventually eradicating mankind.

This is the point where you need to have a pen and paper handy to take notes. Don’t worry, I can wait. Go get them now……………………………….

So far, the killer bloodthirsty squirrels have only attacked what is known in the counter-terrorism community as “soft targets”. The elderly, small children and pets all fall into this category. Mark my words, this will change, as time goes on.

This was a serious miscalculation on the squirrels part. For now that the squirrels have shown their hand, we can take precautions to protect ourselves, friends, and family. Here are seven things that you need to do right now.

  1. First and foremost, let’s not lose sight of the fact that we are like 500 times larger than the average squirrel. This is one of our greatest advantages.
  2. Squirrels are essentially daytime creatures and hide at night. Use this to your advantage. Try to limit your travels during the day, and venture outside only during the night-time hours. For many of us, this is not very much of an option.
  3. Use “situational awareness” of your surroundings. In simple terms pay attention to your surroundings. look out your front door and windows. Do you see any squirrels in your yard? is there a strange absence of birds or other small animals in your vicinity? If so, you need to take extreme precautions. If you absolutely have to leave the house, just toss some raw chicken as far from your front or back door as possible. This should distract the killer squirrels long enough for you to get from your door to the car or mailbox etc.
  4. Take common sense precautions. Make sure that you keep the windows, doors, and other openings tightly closed in both your home and your vehicles. A squirrel can enter a hole as small as 1-1/2″ in diameter. You certainly don’t want to be vulnerable to an attack in an enclosed space where your options for self-defense are severely limited.
  5. Wear protective clothing. Kevlar, oil cloth or leather are good options to prevent injuries from a squirrel attack. Be sure to protect your fingers, nose, neck, face, ears and your lower extremities.
  6. When venturing outside, always carry a stick, a golf club, baseball bat, etc. to fend off marauding killer squirrels. Take whatever actions are necessary to fend off their bloodthirsty attacks. Don’t turn your back on them and keep direct eye contact so you can anticipate their next move.
  7. Travel in numbers whenever possible. Just like animals in the wild, the predator always tries to attack the “lone” sick, injured, old, or young. There is always safety in numbers.

Until the; States, and Federal Government, finally acknowledges that this is a serious threat to humanity, it is up to us patriots to spread the word and try our best to eradicate this threat to all of us.

UPDATE: 11/26/2016 – The terrorist squirrels have now spread their terror well beyond Florida and now have begun attacking those who have spoken out against them.

Howard Brookins Jr.,  Alderman for Chicago’s 21st ward went on a public tirade about “terrorist squirrels,” he couldn’t have known that b y speaking out that he would become the next target of these little tiny terrorists. 

On Nov. 13, the alderman found himself in the hospital with a skull fracture and several other injuries after a suicide bomber squirrel leaped into the path of Brookins’ bike, wrapping itself in the spokes and causing him to flip over the handlebars. Alderman Brookins is very lucky to be alive.

“I can think of no other reason for this squirrel’s actions than it was a terrorist squirrel suicide bomber, getting revenge,” Brookins told the Tribune.

Some outlets, like the Chicago Sun Times, covered the incident but simply referred to it as a “freak accident,” apparently afraid to call radical squirrel terrorism by name. 

But as Tom Dye, The Safety Guy I am not afraid to call it for what it is and I will keep reporting on it for as long as I am able to. 

Warning the following photo contains an image of a dead terrorist squirrel.



Only by working together can we be the vanguards of humankind, the fifth column,  the Thomas Paine’s of society. We are obligated to; defend, warn, and protect, our fellow human beings.

We will not go quietly into the night, we will not go down without a fight, we are going to live on, we are going to survive. We will fight this terrible menace and we shall prevail.


Whose with me?

As Always,

I Am….

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This story is a satirical news commentary loosely (OK, very loosely, alright almost not at all) based on actual events. If you’re interested you van read the original source material published in the Huffington Post and Click—>Here

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