Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

Month: November 2016 Page 2 of 4

Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst Us! (Part 1)

Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst Us! (Part 1)

If you think you really know your dog, that faithful loving canine companion, then you have been deceived. Trust me, your dog is not who you think he or she is at all, Your canine companion is actually one of the greatest charlatans on the planet and right now is watching your every move. But why, and who are they reporting to?

I have a dog, or it may be appropriate to say I have a handler, his name is; Homer, at least that’s what I call him. What he calls himself, or what his real name is, I have no way of knowing. Homer knows I am onto him. As I’m writing this, he is attempting to thwart my efforts to get the word out.

As many of you know I write articles for Profound Revelations several times a week. Homer, never cares what I’m writing about. he just lays there staring at me and watching my every move. But not this time. Homer is all over me, standing on me, licking me and  trying his best to prevent me from typing. Generally, he is trying his damnedest to prevent me from getting this vital information out to the rest of you.

Doe’s that mean that dogs can read? at this point, it seems obvious. Don’t worry I am going to soldier on the best I can, This information is much too important to mankind to allow Homer to stop me. I shall prevail no matter what obstacles Homer places in front of me.

Besides, I have a secret weapon. I temporally distracted him by giving him one of those Beggin-Strips fake bacon dog treats. Beggin-Strips are like dog crack cocaine, this is the only thing that will keep him occupied long enough, so I can finish this article, Lucky for me, I was prepared for this eventuality and just bought a whole new bag.

Before I forget, this is Homer.

Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst Us!


Homer is a Rat- Terrier/dachshund mix and he weighs about 20 pounds. As you can plainly see he is watching me very carefully and he is observing every move I make. The real question is who are dog’s actually reporting to? Seriously, think about that for a moment.

I am not just talking about Homer like he is some sort of an enigma, Oh No! I am talking about ALL dogs. And, I have submissions from other dog owners to support my point, but more on these later.

Before we get any further, I know that there are cat lovers reading this and smirking with their fake smiles. Well, you can just get off or your high horse right now. Your cat couldn’t care less if you live or die just as long as it is fed every day, and its litter box is kept clean.

The main difference between a dog and a cat is; If you’re gone for a year, a cat acts like you have been gone for ten minutes, A dog, on the other hand, If you have been gone for 10 minutes, acts like you’ve been gone for a year.

Besides, when it comes to security, a cat leaves a lot to be desired. When a cat hears a noise, it runs and hides leaving you to fend for yourself. You know I’m right. I bet you’re not smirking now, are you? But, that’s OK, as this article is not a story about cats.

Let me back up and start from the beginning, so you can get a better handle on what I’m talking about. Basically, know thy enemy.

Dogs have been spying on mankind for thousands of years now. Some scientists believe that Dogs have been with us for up to 12,000 years. Their theory is that dogs descended from early wolves. I am not talking about the modern wolves. Dogs are not descended from modern wolves. Dogs are descended from a wolf that has since gone extinct.

I find this interesting that the only animal that we could have learned about modern dogs and where they came from, was the only link that has gone extinct. Do you think that modern dogs had anything to do with this? I do.

Obviously, dogs will do anything to keep us from discovering their true nature and their real mission in life. Unfortunately, the history of the modern dog has become shrouded in mystery, and lost in the mists of time.

Even though records of the distant past are extremely fragmented and somewhat mysterious here’s what little we do know…..

Unlike any other animal on earth, dogs are incredibly socialized to humans. Dogs can easily read our emotions, body language and even understand human speech. Did you know that dogs are one of the few animals that understand that if you point at something, they don’t look at your hand, they look at what you’re pointing to. It’s true. Not to mention that Homer just demonstrated that he can read as well. (Unless, God help me, he can actually read my mind).

But why, or who, or even what’s, behind these four-legged spies amongst us?

Let’s start from the beginning when we first receive our dog into our household. Most of us are naive enough to believe that we are the ones choosing a particular dog. This is a foolish and very wrong assumption.

In reality, dogs actually choose us. Let me explain, since dogs know exactly what we want, they modify their behavior to our individual wants and desires. You may find yourself walking through the local animal shelter looking for that perfect dog when suddenly you spot the one, whether it was those sad eyes, the clownish behavior or something else but in your mind, you found the perfect canine companion. You exclaim that’s the one! You joyfully take your little dog companion home and the rest is history.

Little did you know at the time, but the dog that your think you so lovingly chose as the perfect dog, actually chose you, or was assigned to you whatever the case may be. Unbeknownst to you, you just unwittingly invited a four-legged spy to live amongst you, and your family.

You bring the little fur ball home and you suddenly have so many decisions to make, not to mention expensive purchases like Dog toys, dog beds, shots, dog food, etc.

Part 1,  Dog food.

One of the first things you learn is dogs are not happy with just dog food, oh no! Your four-legged spy won’t just settle for anything you dump into its dog bowl. Sure they might eat what you put into their bowl, but they much prefer what you are eating. This is kind of strange for an animal that licks its own butt or the cat’s butt to be such a gourmet when it comes to food.

It’s obvious at this point that dogs are not what we always thought they were. Dogs are something far more. These four-legged spies amongst us are not just going to settle for plain old dog food, oh no these creatures are far more sophisticated than that. Take Homer for an example. Remember Homer? Here’s a photo I caught of him spying on the neighbors when he’s not spying on me.

Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst Us!

Homer spying on the Neighbors

Homer eats everything from broccoli, mango, green beans, cauliflower, beef, pork, lamb, fish and whatever else we cook for ourselves. Well, except for shrimp which Homer feels the need to roll on them instead of eating them. On the other hand, Homer will readily eat….. alligator.

Let me explain, A work colleague gave me several pounds of alligator (which by the way he lawfully had a permit to kill and harvest). I cooked some up and Homer gave a bit to Homer, he went nuts. He loved it even more than his favorite snack; Beggin-Strips those smelly fake bacon dog treats.

Think about it, alligators couldn’t possibly be part of a dog’s normal diet.  Homer thought it was the best thing he ever tasted. Who knew?

Seriously, when was the last time you saw a dog tear-assing across a swamp and taking down a large alligator?

I ‘m not the only one who noticed that dogs have an unusual diet.

Kathy D, from Connecticut, submitted this for your consideration…

“I don’t know if I can say that my dogs are outwardly covert or sneaky, but they are certainly culinary snobs. From the first moment I had Boston Terriers, I can share that I have never eaten a meal alone. They have pretty much-sampled everything that I have ever eaten, barring chocolate. And it’s impossible not to share when they are staring at you and burning holes through you with their intent.

They are also, closeted caffeine addicts! Did you know that? In one such instance recently, I poured my usual giant mug of high-octane after waking up at 4:45 in the morning. When I left my warm and cozy bed, my dogs were sound asleep, cuddled and happy in their self- made, mostly stolen “pup cave.” I set my coffee down on the end table on the side of the sofa in my living room.

Stepping away for only a moment, I returned to an empty cup boasting a drop or two of coffee left – the heavenly scent still lingering in the air. At the other far end of the couch, I saw a couple of jittery and guilt-ridden puppy dogs, trying everything to help but look in my direction, as if to signal to me that criminals had broken into the house and unsuspectingly stolen said coffee… Which of course they gallantly defended against. Their puppy/coffee breath indicated otherwise. And of course, due to the fact that they are so sweet that they could send a diabetic into a coma, they got off, scot -free”.

Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst Us!

L to Rt – Daisy Mae, Bosco & Peanut Butter

Kathy’s dogs secretly drink coffee! Seriously, have you ever heard of dogs drinking coffee? This proves my point that there are far more to dogs than meets the eye.

I also believe that it is significant that Kathy was assigned three dogs! I know this is important,  but what I don’t know is why?  You see Kathy is a pillar of the community. More importantly, she is a Biologist and a science teacher in the public school system. Obviously, the dog overlords consider Kathy, or her occupation to be significant, maybe even threatening to the secret life of dogs.

On the other hand, as Tom Dye, The Safety Guy, I was only assigned one dog. But then again, I am not responsible for teaching young impressionable minds. Not to mention, I am not a Biologist either.

We will be exploring much more about what we know about the secret lives of dogs in the next installment of; Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst us.


As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy


Dogs the four legged spies amongst us, is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.

If you want to contribute to the next installment of Dogs, The Four Legged Spies Amongst us, go to the Contact Us page and fill out the contact form. I will email you instructions on where to send your submission and dogs photo.


The Horror Of Champagne Cork Injuries (It Can Happen To You)

Tales of the Absurd, Best of Series.

Update: New Year’s Eve is less than two months away, and Congress still hasn’t acted to ban these horrific weapons. Shame on you America. How many more people have to die or be seriously injured before we finally have the courage to act.

The Horror Of Champagne Cork Injuries (It Can Happen To You) Updated and revised 11-18-2016

Enough is enough! When are we finally going to do something about the thousands of people killed, and injured, every year, especially New Years Eve, from these deadly champagne cork shootings.

How many innocent people have to die before the public, and our elected officials, finally act to stop these senseless tragedies?

It is long established constitutional law regarding every American’s right to possess champagne. However, I believe that this right does not extend to military grade or cheap foreign imports of champagne that plague American society from our inner cities to rural small towns. In most States, it is perfectly legal to carry a concealed, and loaded, champagne bottle, on your person everywhere you go.

Part of the problem of champagne violence plaguing America is because it is very easy to purchase. There are numerous stores in virtually every city that high powered champagne can be purchased by anyone over the age of 21 without any sort of  background check or waiting period. A simple State issued identification card or drivers license is all that is usually required.

This entire process for the purchase of, and possession, of high-powered champagne, is flawed because it allows mentally unstable persons, as well as convicted felons, to purchase high powered, and fully loaded champagne, without any fear of being caught. None of the fifty States require you to register your loaded champagne or restrict the firing of deadly champagne corks anywhere except in public spaces clearly marked by signage forbidding it. Not even a single State even requires a simple background check. There is something seriously wrong with us as a society.

Champagne comes in all sizes or calibers. The standard “civilian calibers” range from the easily concealable .1875 caliber bottle, commonly referred to as a “Snipe” to .375 and .750 caliber, half, and full sized bottles.

All three of these standard sizes pack a single shot champagne cork, and all can be lethal, from fairly close range for the .1875 caliber “Snipe”, to the medium and long range killing power of the .375 and .750 caliber sizes.

There are larger caliber “Military Grade” champagne’s designed to kill or maim people from very great distances. These include the 1.5 caliber “Magnum” all the way up to the very long range 30.0 caliber “King of Salem”  long distance heavy artillery. Military caliber champagnes have been known to explode spontaneously, if not stored in the proper conditions.

There are misguided groups that argue civilians have the constitutional right to possess Military Grade, high caliber, champagne’s as well. These groups are very misguided as military grade high caliber sizes are not designed for self-defense, hunting, target practice, or any other legitimate purposes. These military calibers were only designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, killing people. These Military Grade Champagne’s were designed to be used specifically in battlefield conditions.

These military caliber champagnes were never designed to be used by civilians and sadly because of, lax to non-existent Federal or State legislation have already been used in some of the most horrific high-profile crimes against innocent people, including women and children.

How many innocent Americans have to die before we finally stop this madness?

All champagne calibers are single shot, one-time-use disposable weapons. However, there is a difference in the corks used for all calibers. There is the standard cork, found mostly in civilian calibers, as well as the plastic champagne cork, used mostly in military calibers. The plastic military grade champagne cork is far more lethal and easily penetrates most body armor.

It has gotten so bad that even in my small city here in Florida, some wing-nuts have actually begun openly carrying fully loaded large military grade champagne bottles right in the streets and even the local Walmart.

Military Grade Champagne

Military Grade Champagne

How are we supposed to know if these are actual law abiding citizens, a champagne terrorist or just someone that is wound way too tight that is just looking to kill the first person that looks at them wrong?

Seriously, how would you feel walking down the street, or even the aisles of your local Walmart with your spouse and small child when suddenly you see individuals carrying Military Grade champagne over their shoulders or slung across their backs? Wouldn’t you fear for your child?

Congress, The President, all the way down to State and local politicians have failed to act because they all have perverted the original meaning of the 32nd amendment of the United States Constitution. The 32nd amendment states:

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear champagne shall not be infringed” 

I believe in the United States Constitution as much as the next guy. But, seriously the 32nd amendment doesn’t make any freaking sense.

No wonder Champagne control opponents or Champagne Rights Groups can’t agree on a single fu@king thing.

I do know one thing, and this is critically important. After last News Years Eve tragedies now is the time to have a thoughtful discussion as a nation and civilized society  regarding sensible regulations for champagne, and champagne corks, to prevent these senseless injuries and deaths caused my mentally unstable individuals, as well as convicted felons.

Call, write, or email your Senator, Congressman or The President and let them know that high caliber military grade champagnes have no use in a civilized society, and demand sensible regulations to prevent future tragedies. Enough is enough.

Who’s with me on this?

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This article is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.

This Article Is Literally About Nothing!

This Article Is Literally About Nothing!

Astro-Physicists tell us that in the beginning there was literally nothing. Suddenly, the universe exploded into energy and light and became something. Nothing existed prior to that exact moment. This is what’s commonly known as the “Big Bang ” theory.

The problem is that not even Physicists can agree on the absolute definition of “nothing”. It’s probably safe to say that nothing is the complete absence of something.

I have a lot of experience with nothing, so obviously, I am an expert at nothing. So, now I am going to explain nothing, so everyone can understand nothing like I do.

Albert Einstein may have defined Special & General Relativity but I can assure you that Einstein or anybody else for that matter knows more about nothing than I do.

The basic concepts of nothing include:

  • Nothing can neither be created or destroyed. You still end up with absolutely nothing.
  • Nothing from nothing is still nothing.
  • You may believe that you have something, but, in reality, it is still nothing.
  • Something is just another facet of nothing.
  • The power of nothing should never be underestimated.

Before I was conceived I was 100% nothing. I only became something due to my parent’s metaphorical “big bang”, From nothing, I suddenly became something.

From my earliest childhood, it didn’t take me long to realize that I actually instinctively understood a lot about nothing. My entire life I have had nothing on my mind. People ask me all the time, what are you thinking about? or what are you doing? I inevitably reply, nothing.

Like I said, my fascination with nothing started as a very young child. I used to imagine something was under my bed, or something was in my closet. But, when I finally got the courage to actually check for myself,  I would look under the bed, or fling open the closet door, but every single time, nothing was there. From that point on I made it my life’s mission to understand nothing.

Nothing  prepared me for how things would be when I began Kindergarten, Elementary school, Junior Hgh School, High School, College, etc. Of course, I didn’t listen to anything that anyone else had to say. Nobody knew nothing like I did.  I finally thought that I was onto something, but ultimately, I finally realized that it was nothing.

When I started my chosen career path I finally knew almost nothing. But you know what, they hired me anyway, which means that I knew more than nothing at all.

I have had many times in life where all I had was nothing. Every time, I thought I had something, I would suddenly realize that I actually had nothing to show for it.

As I get older in life, I realize that nothing really matters. Sometimes, I have nothing to say, and that’s a good thing. Nothing, anyone says will sway my core beliefs.  I began with nothing, became something, and I will certainly return to nothing at all.

Finally, when I have nothing but great memories to look back on. I will always cherish all the sweet nothings that I have had whispered in my ear over the years. Something tells me that nothing else matters. Nothing may someday be used against me. But you know what? Something tells me that I have nothing to fear.

If you embrace nothing at all, You might have everything or more than likely nothing at all. Only you can decide.

If you have nothing to say or nothing to share, then you have nothing to use against me, nothing at all.

Nothing else really matters.

Nothing says it better than this, but I will give it my best shot. You just spent several minutes of your reading about nothing and you still have nothing to show for it. Hopefully, you now know more about nothing than you did before you started and that would be really something.

As Always,

I Am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

This essay is an original work of satire by Tom Dye, The Safety Guy.


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