If  You are Xenophobic, Racist, Bigoted, a Misogynist, Homophobic, or are Islamophobic, You My Friend are Un-American!

It’s time for some straight talk my friends. I am stating un-equivalently that if you are Xenophobic, Racist, Bigoted, a Misogynist, Homophobic or are Islamophobic, You My Friend are Un-American!

Let me repeat that, Yes, I am saying unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms, that  anyone who suffers from Xenophobia, Racism, Bigotry, Homophobia, or Islamophobia, or is a misogynist, is a disgusting, shameful human being and their  words, actions, and beliefs are unequivically Un-American.  These individuals are essentially traitors to the very core ideals, and foundation of The United States of America.

Our founding fathers would be appalled and disgusted by anyone who subscribes to any one of these abnormal beliefs or behaviors.

These individuals are either woefully ignorant and/or uneducated or they are seriously mentally ill, and are in desperate need of some sort of serious mental health intervention.

First, for those of you who are unfamiliar with these terms let’s go over the meanings, so we are all on the same page so to speak.

The first thing you may have noticed is that most of these words end in “Phobic” or “Phobia” So let’s start there.

Phobia – a combining form meaning “fear,” occurring in loanwords from Greek (hydrophobia); on this model, used in the names of mental disorders that have the general sense of “fear, dread of, aversion toward” that specified by the initial element.

Xenophobia – an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.

Racism – Hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Bigotry – stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.

Homophobia – unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

Islamophobia – hatred or fear of Muslims or of their politics or culture.

Misogynist – a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women.

So, what do all these words have in common? The connecting threads through all these word definitions include; fear, hatred, irrational, intolerance, and unreasonable.

It’s pretty clear that these words are not terms that one would use to describe a “normal” human existence.

Here is some examples from history that prove my point.

The Preamble to the United States Constitution states;

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

The operative words here are;  WE The People.  I define this to mean All The People, not just the ones who think like me.

Or, how about FDR’s first inaugural address in 1933, Where FDR said:

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days”.

And finally, take out any paper U.S. Currency and under the great seal there is a Latin phrase;

e pluribus unum, which translates to; out of many, one. This is the official the motto of the United States.

I could cite many, many, more examples, but you get the general idea.

These type of shameful and disgusting Americans have been part of The United States since the very beginning. However, they have always been part of a small minority of anti-social fringe groups that over the decades have mostly been marginalized and slowly assimilated into mainstream society.

In other words as each new generation comes of age, a majority of them have grown up more tolerant and open-minded then the last one. So what changed?

The latest obvious example is when President Barack Obama, a black man, ran for, and was elected President of the United States, not once, but twice. 2008 – 2016.

The Right Wing GOP Conservatives immediately ran with the birther nonsense (Donald Trump being the most vocal proponent of the totally discredited and ludicrous theory) coupled with GOP obstructionism, and covert racism with bigoted innuendo thrown for good measure by the Conservative Republican political movement, re-ignited and gave voice to  the closet racists, and bigots, that had mostly been suppressed in our evolving politically correct society in the past couple of decades.

Even with all the cards stacked against him, President Obama’s, honesty, integrity and family values prevailed and he still maintains an incredibly high approval rating with the majority of the American public.

And then Donald Trump came along……

Donald Trump somehow became the Republican parties Presidential nominee. As the Huffington Post points out, “Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.”

Donald Trump has single-handedly given voice to the  Xenophobic, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist subsets of society that we have been trying to educate and assimilate into mainstream society for decades.

These  fringe elements have found a voice in Donald Trump and have openly come out of the woodwork to support him with his very vocal encouragement. Donald Trump has opened the floodgates, encouraged, and given voice to the vile Un-American un-educated, mentally unstable, elements of society. There is no way to return this lunatic fringe back into the bottle and the onto the path to the mainstream, even after Donald Trump loses the election.

Donald Trump has single-handedly undone a couple of decades of progress we have made educating and integrating the fringe elements into society. Just when we were making progress, Donald Trump comes along like a spoiled child and destroys all the progress that has been made to date.

Civil society may  be down, but we are not defeated. We will regain the ground we have lost, but it will take time to recover. Donald Trump will go down in history as one of the biggest setbacks to the American social structure  attempting to create “a more perfect union” than any other Presidential nominee in modern history.

Donald Trump has subverted and destroyed the Republican Party. and unleashed the Xenophobic, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist subsets of society back into the mainstream. Will we survive this abomination? Of Course.

It will take some time to recover, but our modern, politically correct, civil society will prevail in the end. Losing a single battle is not losing the war.

Remember, the official motto of The United States, e pluribus unum, (out of many, one).

Let us not forget the sacrifices of; Martin Luther King, Jr., JFK, RFK, LBJ, and many, many, others who lead us to where we are today. This is only a temporary setback, it may take years to fully recover. but we will recover, together as a nation. Remember, there is only one race on this entire planet, and that is the human race. All our other differences are irrelevant.

Together, we will prevail.

If your are interested, inlearning more, here are “176 Shocking Things Donald Trump Has Done This Election”. By, Keith Olbermann, on GQ.


As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

September 15, 2016