Tales oF the Absurd, Original Satire, Politics, Religion & News Commentary

Month: August 2016 Page 5 of 19

Fabric Softener Jesus? Laundry Mishap Leads To ‘Holy’ Sighting

Fabric Softener Jesus? Laundry Mishap Leads To ‘Holy’ Sighting. Apparently, Jesus is appearing in a lot of unusual places lately.

A man was doing laundry lately and just to reinforce how incompetent men are at doing laundry, spilled some fabric softener right on one of his dark-colored shirts. Well, we all know what happens when you do that don’t we? A large stain appeared on the shirt and when he looked closer he suddenly realized that the stain turned into “fabric softener Jesus” staring back at him.  I imagine that the guy was horrified. Especially after yelling; God D–m it, F–king idiot,  as he came to the sudden realization that he had just ruined his favorite shirt.

Most of us wouldn’t even begin to imagine that fabric softener Jesus would suddenly appear after an outburst like that. I would be willing to bet that this poor sap peed himself after seeing this.

Fabric Softener Jesus

Fabric Softener Jesus

Personally, I think the image looks more like Jesus juggling.  Although it could just be Jesus mocking the guy for being so incompetent at doing laundry. I sincerely hope that fabric softener Jesus takes it easy on this poor soul. You see, I have a confession to make. Believe it or not, Tom Dye, the Safety Guy is also incompetent at doing the laundry. For some reason my clothes look worse coming out of the wash then when they went in.

Actually, I’ve been forbidden to do any laundry for quite sometime, Thank God! You see,  a long, long time ago, I was doing laundry, when I accidentally had one of the lovely Victoria’s sweaters mixed up in the wash. Let me tell you when I took the clothes out of the dryer, I was horrified to find one of Victoria’s favorite sweaters shrunk down to toddler size. I tried in vain to stretch it back to size, but to no avail.

After the sweater fiasco, Victoria determined that I was too incompetent to do laundry. I am not sure if this is a blessing or curse. You see, I may not have to do the laundry, but now I have to clean the cat’s litter box, several times a week. It seems to me that I have been paying a very high price for one isolated incident involving a single sweater. Oh well, I guess in life we all have our crosses to bear.

Let me tell you my friends, this is not the first time Jesus has appeared in unexpected places lately, there’s a lot more. Let me just discuss a few of the more interesting sightings. Honestly, I am not making these up.

Bird turd Jesus

Bird s–t Jesus

Bird s–t Jesus. That’s tight. A man in Ohio discovered that an apparently large bird had left a present on his windshield. When he looked at the bird dropping from inside the car, he discovered a very clear image of Jesus looking back at him. I wonder if he washed it off or if the car became a shrine?

Taco Jesus

Burrito Jesus

 Breakfast burrito Jesus. An 80-year-old man in Texas discovered an image of Jesus burned into his usual breakfast burrito. You know this would bring up an interesting dilemma. What if this was this poor guy’s last bit of change and he hadn’t eaten in 24 hours. Would it be sacrilege to eat breakfast burrito Jesus?

Maybe Jesus, just has a really absurd sense of humor. If so, this joke was not very funny, at least not to the poor starving 80-year-old man who spent the very last of his money on a delicious breakfast burrito.

Sock Jesus

Sock Jesus

Sock Jesus. This is actually one of my favorite sightings. Here’s a discovery by a woman in London, England. She went to collect her laundry and discovered the face of Jesus in a wrinkled sock. Evidently she is not any better at doing laundry than me. This woman certainly pays attention to details, me I don’t think I would have even noticed, and this sacred relic would have been lost to the world forever.

This woman was so impressed that she actually built a shrine to the sock. I can see it now, “The Church of the Holy Crumpled Sock”, or how about the “The Sacred Sock of London”.

There is no word if the matching sock exhibited similar divine characteristics.

Important Safety Tip: I would make sure that none of the followers attempt to smuggle in an iron or steamer.

Pizza Jesus

Pizza Jesus

Pizza Jesus. Here’s a sighting from Australia. The owners of a pizza shop claim the face of Jesus suddenly appeared in one of their three cheese pizzas. I wonder if they ate the pizza, I have to say it looks really good. Funny, I never thought of Brisbane, Australia, as being a hotbed of delicious pizza. This is just another reason to visit Australia.

Pierogi Jesus

Pirogi Jesus

Pirogi Jesus. Here’s another one from Ohio. A woman was making Pirogi’s for Easter dinner in 2005. Obviously this being a divine dumpling, the woman and her family did not eat Pirogi Jesus, rather she kept him in the freezer. This action may actually be problematic, as if Jesus liked the cold he would have appeared in the woman’s freezer.

So, as you can plainly see, apparently, Jesus can appear anywhere and anytime. Jesus has been sighted on the food we eat, the clothes we wear , buildings, windows, burnt frying pans and even bird poop.  I think that all of you who have a Jesus image appear in anything, whether it be food, clothing or whatever, should immediately build a shrine to the holy relic. Believe me, you can even charge admission. People will come from far and wide to pray to the divine sock, Pirogi, sacred bird poop, or whatever.  Who knows maybe the sacred images can even heal the sick and feed the poor.

Or maybe, we can just accept the fact that the human mind is designed to see patterns, patterns even patterns that are not actually there. You think my suggestion to build religious shrines sounds ridiculous, or even sacrilegious? Ridiculous maybe, sacrilegious? I don’t know.

Seriously, people actually flock to this sort of stuff all the time. That’s right people actually make pilgrimages to holy socks, or windows, and even peeling paint because they believe it shows some sort of divine image. If it makes them feel better and offers a little inner peace, what’s wrong with that?  To each their own. Personally, I think that when Jesus said he would one day return, this is not exactly what he had in mind.

I will leave that for you to decide for yourself.

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

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Chef Murders Girlfriend When She Says She Isn’t Hungry

Chef Murders Girlfriend When She Says She Isn’t Hungry.  This girl made a serious mistake. Everyone knows, that Chefs are really, really, touchy about even the smallest amount of criticism, regarding their food creations. It was only a matter of time, before something like this happened.

Hell, we even have fast food type sandwich shops that feature “Sandwich Artists” instead of the pimply faced kid, that used to be behind the counter taking your order, making your sandwich, however you wanted it. I never really understood the need for sandwich artists. I was always happy with my sandwich being prepared by a non-sandwich artist. As a matter of fact, I actually preferred it. Besides I never really noticed any difference anyway.

I admit it, I have always been one of those people who doesn’t really complain about my food at a restaurant, unless I was served something that was practically inedible. You know what I mean? I would have to be served something that was raw, something I didn’t order, things like that. I always wondered what some really ticked-off, over worked, under-paid, Chef was doing to my food, just because I had the gall to send it back, for some frivolous reason.

On the other hand, I have dined out with friends who seem to be unhappy with some small insignificant aspect about literally everything that is put before them. The potatoes are not quite warm enough, the vegetables are either over cooked, or under cooked, their steak is just a touch, over, or under done. You know the kind of people that I am talking about right? If you are one of these ultra picky restaurant patrons, then I suggest you pay particular attention to this story. This story may even save your life one day.

Consider this for a moment. Most Chefs, and I have known a few, take a lot of pride on their culinary skills. The only charter flaw I have observed is, they think they are to only ones who knows how things should be prepared, and eaten as well, and sometimes take great offense to how people choose to eat their creations. They get really obsessed, and sometimes get really angry about what diners do to their food creations. You know what I mean, Like putting ketchup on a steak.

Did you know that there are actually hot dog vendors in Chicago, and elsewhere, that do not stock ketchup, and if you ask for it, they will not sell you a hot dog. We are talking about hot dogs here! Some places take their hot dogs very, very, seriously. Although, in this case, I have to say that I agree with them. There should be a law against putting ketchup on a hot dog.

Getting back to sending back food to the Chef, in a restaurant. Think about it, you have some poor over worked, egotistical Chef, more then mildly irritated at having to deal with your nonsense. I certain sure that he has options, on how he can get even with you, for being such an a–hole.

Just consider this for a moment, You send your food back to the kitchen for like the second time, just because your personal gold plated pocket thermometer, indicated that your mashed potatoes were 2.7 degrees cooler then you like them. By this time the Chef with the overly large ego, and coincidentally, a graduate at the top of his class from; The Culinary Institute of America (CIA), or maybe, it was The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or both, and he is rumored to be an expert in slow acting poisons, or whatever. By now, he has determined that you are more then an a–hole, you are somebody that is somewhat lower on the evolutionary ladder then pond scum, and you will have to be decisively dealt with.

There are several things that come to mind that this Chef could do, to get even, with such an annoying sub-human being. None of these possible actions would be very pleasant for the person actually eating the food.

The Chef considers his arsenal of options, in this case, revenge is not a dish, best served cold, it is a dish that should be served, hot and ready to eat, just exactly to the sub-pond scum customer’s liking. The Chef could, if he chose to do so; spit on your food, drop it on the floor, and even step upon it, he could sneeze on it, he could adulterate it chemically, he could add rodent, or roach, dropping to it, he could add urine to it, he could wipe his a– with your perfectly cooked steak, he could wipe your various food items on the rim of the toilet, and finally he could add other, more unspeakable, bodily fluids to it. These are just the simple ones, that I could think of, right off the top of my head. Yeah, go ahead and laugh, me, I am not taking any chances. You think I just made all this stuff up?

So, next time you go to a restaurant, and you decide to be an a–hole, consider what I just said. You may want to read that last paragraph again, just so you know what you may be getting into. If you start feeling ill, two to twenty four hours later, after your big shot, obnoxious, more important than you attitude, and decided to make an example of some poor, over-worked, egotistical, Chef. You may just might be experiencing something called “Chef’s Surprise”, and frankly, you deserve it.Now, this poor woman committed the ultimate sin, at least as far as Chefs see reality, which trust me, is a reality which is quite different, from either yours or mine. This poor Chef’s girlfriend, wait for it……………wait for it………..wait for it……… actually had to gall to decline to eat his food creations.

To add insult to injury, she told him, Gasp!!! that she wasn’t hungry, because she had already eaten. The enraged Chef stabbed his girlfriend twice with a large kitchen knife. She died at the scene.Important Safety Tip: Make certain that you are absolutely sure that you have to return your dish to the Chef. I also recommend being really humble. Otherwise think about what can happen.

If you are a Chef, or cook, or even used to be in this occupation. Feel free to leave us an anonymous comment at the bottom of the page, and tell us what can happen to a really rude, and obnoxious, restaurant patron. I would be willing to bet, that you have some really interesting, and enlightening, stories.

As always,
I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety GuyBecome a follower today and receive a notifications of new content as soon as it’s posted.
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Woman Afraid To Leave House After Ferret Attack

Woman Afraid To Leave House After Ferret Attack…  My God!  This is truly horrifying. I never, ever, liked or trusted those beady eyed, smelly animals at all. I am not even sure that I would trust anyone who would harbor these little monsters. Some people say these little monsters are pets and nothing more. Do not be fooled my friends, these animals are not pets, they are demons in disguise. Demons who smell bad at that.



I am not at all surprised at all that this happened.  This was not a matter of, if it would happen, it was merely a matter of when. So, in this story, an elderly woman in the UK was rolling down a sidewalk, in her power chair, right near her house.

Suddenly, in broad daylight, a demon ferret came out of nowhere and savagely attached itself to her ankle biting her. She actually had to beat the little demon off with her cane. Not surprisingly it attacked her again. Once again this brave elderly woman fought off the little demon, and finally the ferret ran off. Mind you this was in broad daylight at about 11:00 AM.

I have heard all the arguments from those poor delusional people who choose to keep these little monsters. They claim that the beady eyed little demons are cuddly, funny and very entertaining. Entertaining my a$s.

I have even heard some of these delusional owners compare their pet monster rodents to dogs. Seriously??  Some ferret owners stupidly try to compare their little monsters to common house cats. Don’t even get me started on cats! At least as long as you feed your cat, and regularly clean your cat’s litter box , you and your cat will live happily in a kind of cold war dé·tente.

Listen to me when I tell you, these little beady eyed demon ferret monsters are only watching us, and learning our ways. They are doing nothing more than biding their time, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Now, as we can clearly see, the terror has already begun.

I know exactly what you are thinking. Dogs do the same thing, always watching you, observing you, even when they are pretending to be asleep. Well, I can assure you this is entirely different. I can say this with some authority, as I consider myself to be somewhat of an amateur expert on the psychology of dogs.

Lets do a little side by side comparison between Dog’s and Ferret’s shall we….

Dogs, it is believed have been with mankind since early man. Dogs evolved from wolves, these early dogs used to hang around the edges of human encampments waiting for the opportunity to steal scraps of food, or occasionally snatch a small child. I would imagine that the first wolf to warn the tribe of impending danger was rewarded with food, and not immediately killed and eaten.

Have you ever heard of a watch ferret? I think not. It is believed that Ferrets are descended from Polecats. I  can assure you that if a polecat hung around the encampment he would not only be dinner, but he would be added to the people’s clothing, or shoes, or whatever

Dogs have learned to bond with humans like no other animal. Dogs watch your every move from the moment they first open their eyes. They have learned to read human emotions, and especially body language. Dogs understand several words of human language, and express emotions and obviously know some right from wrong. There is even some evidence that dogs have a rudimentary sense of situational humor.

Have you ever seen any kind of emotion out of a ferret except for pure evil?

Dogs have also learned to get exactly what they want from people, as the title of an article on dog psychology I once read indicated “Dogs are the Greatest Charlatans on the Planet” this is absolutely true.

Certainly dogs offer unconditional love and loyalty to their human companions. But, this is not a one-sided deal, dog’s want something in return. Here’s a good example to illustrate my point. You come home from work and your dog is ecstatic. Your dog wags it’s tail uncontrollably, and insists on licking you because it figures you like it. Your dog licks you, and you right away pet your dog, and talk nicely to it. But, the dog will also lick you when you pick it up because it wants you to put it down,, your dog is hungry and it wants you to feed it, so it licks you, and runs to its food bowl, your dog wants out, yes, you got it, it licks you, then runs to the door. There are a million of other examples, but I think you get the idea.

Would you even want your ferret licking you? If it did, it is most likely just studying where your jugular vein is located, or imagining what human flesh tastes like.

Dogs have also learned to use humans as tools to get what it\they want. Yes, it’s true. Have you ever noticed that if your dogs favorite ball or whatever ends up under the couch, and your dog cannot reach it after trying every angle itself, what does it do next? Yep! your dog will get its human tool to get it for him. I know, our dog Homer, (a Rat terrier-wiener dog mix) will look under the couch, wag his tail and bark, Homer will check every side of the couch to see if there is anyway he can reach it. Only then will Homer run to me and bark, and run back to looking under the couch again, and bark.

Homer will actually do this several times until I finally surrender and get up. I know exactly what he wants. He is basically telling me to get up, and get the damn ball. So, I get up and get down on the floor, and look under the couch, Homer will look under the couch right next to me (and yes, even lick me, to encourage me to get the ball already) I reach under the couch, grab the ball, pull it out, and Homer grabs the ball  from my hand, and merrily goes on his way playing with his ball.

Have you ever had your demon ferret do anything like this, so you would get it’s toy? I think not.

Did you know that dogs are so socialized to humans that they are one of only a couple of animal species, that if you point to something, the dog doe’s not look at your hand, it looks to what you’re pointing to. Primates don’t even have this ability, but dolphin’s do. You should try it sometime.

Don’t even try this with your ferret because it will not work.

Now, that I have definitively shown you that these demon ferrets are not pets, like dogs. If you have a ferret, get a dog. At least the dog will guard you from the ferret, especially when your sleeping.

Important Safety Tip: Always carry a cane or walking stick when your outside to protect yourself from marauding bands of demon ferrets, or just take your dog with you, as I can assure you that the dog will always have your back.

On a side note: Homer practices virtually every single day for when the time comes (and it will) that the marauding ferret monsters finally arrive. Homer practices for this by chasing squirrels, several times a day, every day. You see, Homer hates squirrels almost as much as he hates those smelly demon ferrets. Good dog Homer, Good dog!

With my trusted dog,  Homer. I am never, ever, afraid to leave my house.

As always,

I am…

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy

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