Donald Trump Isn’t a Savior, He’s a Con Man.

I am not so naive as to believe that this article will change the minds of any hardcore Donald Trump supporters.

Just look at all the lies he’s told. Trump’s xenophobic, racist, bigoted and misogynistic comments and statements literally don’t seem to matter his supporters.

If this was any other Presidential candidate ever in history he would have been doomed long before they could ever get this far in the Presidential race.

The mindset and ignorance of a good percentage of certain groups and individual supporters of Donald Trump frankly scare me and it should scare you as well.

How is it even possible that as a society could we have gone so far off the rails that a candidate for President of the United Stated could even be someone like Donald Trump? Even our founding fathers couldn’t have seen this coming.

Trump supporters have become a giant negative feedback loop that somehow blinds them to the lies right in front of them. It is simply stunning and frankly it’s not funny anymore.

With that being said, today I wanted to post just a sampling of Trump stories from one day from multiple news websites. These are just a sampling of the stories posted on only “one day”, on September 29, 2016.

From: www.





OK, you get the general idea. Multiple news sites publishing multiple  Donald Trump news stories everyday.

I know, I know, right-wing conservatives will scream; Liberal Media, Mainstream Media, Corporate Media, Gotcha Media, Lies, etc., etc., etc.

No it’s not. This entire concept was created by Sarah Palin in 2008 when Katie Couric had the gall to ask Sarah Palin what newspapers she read. Palin called this a “Gotcha” question from the lame-stream media.

I never understood how a softball question like “What newspapers do you read everyday” is somehow a trick question. Considering Sarah Palin couldn’t answer it just revealed how much of an idiot she was, and still is for that matter.

Donald Trump has kept up the same tradition, only on steroids. Donald Trump will actually says something, and one hour later deny he ever said it. Still his supporters literally ignore all of this. WTF???

Donald Trump is quite obviously the most dangerous person that has ever run for President of the United States.

How could anyone ever still support Donald Trump after all of this, is way, way. beyond me.

Maybe some of you have greater insights about human psychology then I do. If you have some deeper understanding of psychology and would care to enlighten me please post a comment below.

Somehow, independent fact-checking has become a bad thing to Trump and his supporters. Since when did the truth become negotiable or open to interpretation?

You will notice that I did not include any news stories from: breitbart, infowars, drudge report, or Fox News.

This omission is deliberate on my part, mostly because these outlets somehow see the same facts and spin them into an entirely different reality. These quasi news outlets have their own agendas and truth is certainly not important to their particular point of view.

Here’s a video with some interesting insights:

If you reject the facts because they do not match your own beliefs, the facts are not wrong. The only thing that is wrong is your view of reality.

I am in no way advocating that you just take my word for anything. I encourage you to do your own independent research cross checked from multiple sources, and then make up your own mind.

Think about that.

Is Donald Trump a savior or a con-man?  I believe the facts speak for themselves. But, only you can decide for yourself.

As Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy