No, Black Protesters Do Not Hate White People!

Right wing nut job, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-N.C.) actually said: “The grievance in their mind, the animus, the anger they hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not,”

This is a blatant lie. and a patently false assumption!

Donald Trump actually suggested that drugs are “a very big factor” in the Charlotte protests on Friday.

Another blatant falsehood!

People I know personally at work were talking about how something should be done about the protesters.

These type of comments  ignorant and also totally miss the point!

These comments are just a couple of examples of the multitude of ignorant misconceptions, and outright lies told about why protests are occurring in Charlotte, and many other cities across America.

Seriously, can’t anyone see the stupidly obvious answer right in front of your faces? Do I really have to spell this out for you?

Black people do not hate white people. All any one wants is the same equal opportunity that everyone else has.

Seriously, it is just as simple as that.

If you  want to stop the protests, stop shooting unarmed black males.

Does it get any more simple then this?

Black males are killed by Police at a 3:1 ratio as while males. This number is shocking. The videos I have watched are disturbing to say the least. When I was younger, If I was pulled over by the Police, they didn’t yell at me. or approach my vehicle with their guns drawn. Then again, I am not a black male.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-Police at all. I believe that the Police need to take a new non-confrontational community approach to law enforcement.. Here’s a perfect example from Gainesville, Florida. Now talk about building community relations.

Economic recovery and investments are being made in cities as well as small towns all across America. That is except within the black communities.

Is the answer becoming clearer now?

W.T.F., It the answer is perfectly clear. The Police should stop killing unarmed black males, and the revitalization of communities should include not only black communities, but all economically depressed areas as well.

I am going to use as an example the small town, and area that I live in. I live in Hernando, County Florida. According to the United States census  from July 2015, Hernando County has a population of; 178, 439 people.  90.4% are white and 5.4% are black.

I drive 65 miles to work each way so I have a lot of time to observe my surroundings. My observations are that a majority of people pulled over by the Police are black. Which is interesting as only 5.4% of the population is black. Are black drivers worse than white drivers? I find this doubtful.

There is a lot of improvements being done in Hernando County, new sidewalks, etc. But as far as I can tell not much improvements are being done in predominately black neighborhoods.

One can only assume that a similar pattern exists in cities and small towns all across the country.

My neighbors are political activists, and they have been working with the local black community. One of the issues they are trying to address in partnership with black community leaders is the unique problems facing the local black community.

Since this is the South, you see many black areas where people set-up smokers, and sell smoked barbecue. I have to say that this home-made barbecue is AMAZING, as well as affordable.

Not to mention how my street and neighborhood is fairly clean and neat. The City takes care of it. The black and economically depressed neighborhoods not so much. How about grants and  community investments so the economically depressed areas can create vibrant neighborhoods that we can be proud of.

One of the issues my neighbors are working on with the black community and the City is to create new sidewalks, lighting and other improvements to create new sidewalks and paved, or concrete turn-offs, as well as easy licensing for these local entrepreneurs , so that these type of vendors can not only make a living, but create new economic opportunities, not only for their own neighborhood, bit for the entire town as well. .

These type of ideas would not only improve black areas but create new economic opportunities for the entire community.

Of course, this is just one local economic example. There needs to be  a whole slew of specific, tailored economic opportunities made available, depending upon the unique requirements of black communities all across America.

Economic development and investment capital needs to be made in black communities. Jobs, businesses, and infrastructure improvements needs to be made in black communities in equal footing as white communities.

Affordable business loans, job training, and economic investments in local communities lowers crime rates and creates economic opportunities for everyone, not just the black community, but for the entire community as a whole.

The solution is simple. Equal opportunities for all, creates the economic engine that integrates society as a whole.

Furthermore, The Police should not be pulling over black Americans at a rate any higher than white, Hispanic, or native Americans. Respect for one another as Americans goes a long way.

Do Black Americans hate white people? Of course not, all they want is the same thing that everybody else wants, and that’s “Equal Opportunity For All”

As, Always,

I Am,

Tom Dye, The Safety Guy